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About Demotheus

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    High Priestess of the Thighdom
  • Birthday 03/01/1995

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    Lotha Scylla, Harlot, Merylynn the Wanderer
  • Character Race
    Darkdwarf/Ascended, specter!!!, mostly high elf

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  1. lore question. if you are only part elf and say part human would you still age visibly or would you appear young until you die of old age due to the human curse?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Demotheus


      What post of Alan's? Because I feel like the humasn weren't cursed with aging, but early death, while the elves were blessed with immortality and eternal youth. So logically a human would be forever young until about 140-170 and then they just keel over and die. That's my reasoning anyway.

      Either way, Ford, I'd appreciate to see this post you're referencing, I'd not heard of it so that would clear up my confusion definitely.

    3. Abeam


      I could of sworn that the curse on the Humans made them live for a very short amount of time, 120-180, but the blessing they received from Aeriel was that they have access into Heaven, which the other races do not

    4. Demotheus


      @12igon6 the blessing is that they are rediculously fertile. Meaning it's safe to assume they have the best looking body types, as an added note.

      Dem. thighs.

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