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Status Updates posted by Dargene

  1. Well... i had to change my pants after watching the hobbit...

  2. Is there lore on end portals, or what they are ?

  3. Will write the rest of the ender pearl and eye of ender lore tomorrow, sleepy is to much

  4. Can someone tell me any lore masters ?

  5. Loremaster comment here please :3

  6. If i have a idea for some lore, do ihave to contact lore masters first, or write it then show them or what ?

    1. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      I'd write it and then show them.

    2. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      Write your lore first, afterwarsd make a thread in the lore and ideas forum. :)

  7. What are ender pearls used for ingame, i have an idea for some lore, but i need to know if they are already something ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. steelersfan1221
    3. _SteelMemes_


      Football! *tackles Talf*

    4. Fid


      There was some sort of religion... Onlayism, if I remember correctly. It was focused on Ender-stuff, mostly. I don't think there is anything else.

  8. I sleep for 10 hours and come back to people saying there is more drama.... ughh.

  9. my god... I have got it, The Mayans where right... How could we be so stupid the world will end!! because on the 21st... Rebecca black and justin bieber... will...SING.. a duet.. its the more horrible then we could have thought

    1. Waverly Antoinette

      Waverly Antoinette

      N-No! Y-Your Lying!

    2. Bethykinss



  10. Calling all Lindsey Stirling fans :3
    1. Yoff


      Lindsey Stirling fan, reporting.

  11. All it took was that Vote! Button to be there for me to vote more... wow..

  12. The table seems to be turned... apparently i "friend zone" girls that like me..

  13. 10 more places till we are on first page :DF

  14. Psst.. hey you.. yeah you.. click that Vote! Link above to the left.. good things will happen

    1. Waverly Antoinette

      Waverly Antoinette

      *decides to ask the most annoying question possible*

      What good things exactly? Please give explicit detail! :D

  15. So.. i gained 3 rep today... Best day on the forums ever.

    1. Igneberr


      I gained 20 rep for posting a strike report lol....

  16. In the words of pewdiepies happywheels, i think this sums up my view on the recent incidents.. I DONT CAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRREEEE!!!!!

  17. *Throws petrol into the fire* MWHAAH.... Now on too the fire in LOTC... stop :P

  18. Eyelids feel like papercuts... night LOTC.. sleep tight.

    1. Lykos


      Ow. Why you make-a-me feel so bad

  19. I LOVE.. LOVE... Moisttowelettes

  20. How would i go about writing up brand new lore ? Mhm ?

    1. Stevie


      1. Open up a word document/something of equal writing capacity. 2. Type.

    2. Stevie
    3. Kaun


      Usually with the origins but sinc it is turtles, just how they go alng doing things, what the think, do eat, think and things like those.

  21. So.. I might make lore on turtles, since everblue gave me the idea :3

    1. Merkaken



      Jk :3 good luck.

    2. Dargene


      Now... Where to start ?

  22. I feel motivated and inspired... Anything that needs to be done ? wiki updating ? lore ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dargene


      But.. there are no turtles.. ARE THERE :O ?

    3. everblue2er101


      Exactly. And there should be.

    4. Dargene


      Mhm, I could write them i suppose :D

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