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Status Updates posted by Muhammadan

  1. When a GM forum bans your account temporarily for telling the truth. Praise the lord allah.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Muhammadan


      Lol, that's the reason, right Rhia? I swore three or four times. Lets not lie. Am I back fast enough for you now? Because it would seem many agreed with me, perhaps some in the staff aswell. : }

    3. Rhia


      Keep pushing buttons if you want Vaerus Its just going to get you banned.

    4. Muhammadan


      -button pushing- Don't forget to unban me in game hun.

  2. Why does everything have to go as planned admins? They can spam spells and ****, yet we cannot bring down an arch. Maybe ******* support your players for once, not the people who are apperently here to create 'fun'.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. yopplwasupxxx


      I was expecting to destroy an arch with enough alchemist fire to destroy Abresi and Kal Ithurn combined.

    3. Muhammadan


      I'm sorry, I just hoped for something better from people who have 100% staff support and their own magic plugin.

    4. cj_scout


      Ya'll need to calm down. Forreal.

  3. Why the **** don't you all make a plugin to defend against the antagonist for the Clerics instead of giving them ******* more spells?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Galendar
    3. Slic3man


      Clerics do have a magic plugin, hurhur.

    4. Muhammadan


      bullshit so hurhur ur mom lawl

  4. I just wanted to take the time and say that this will probably be deleted but I love you all.

    1. SirSnowMan


      Put your hands on the hood of the vehicle sir

    2. Muhammadan


      No, they are busy in my pants.

    3. Malaise


      Vaerus why?! Kael had so many books to give you!

  5. Why do the Scourge get random ass towers for one person, build in creative, and serve no purpose at all? Why don't we?

    1. hosper


      Maybe if you talk to the owner of the tower you will learn why it is there and maybe learn more about the scourge which is something alot of people wish to do

    2. Muhammadan


      Last time I tried to talk to a Scourge member he made a fuss about how we need to make a warclaim on a single small ass tree on our land. sonothx

    3. yopplwasupxxx


      because players are dumb and inferior to billy bob

  6. guess who’s back... back again :’>

  7. Servers up. :>

    1. mmat


      It definitely isn't.

    2. TavernLich


      I will find you.

  8. Well played, Cappy... Well played...

  9. can i be unbanned

    1. Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      i love this fat white boy here, unban him or die

  10. do you have a permit to be sheerin’ those sheep? : ^ )

    1. The Cleaning Crew

      The Cleaning Crew

      Did you make a sheep shooter application?

  11. unban me from charles ts he banned me halp


  12. Give me back my caliphate

  13. #doublepost4alex2013

  14. Happy birthday Owly!

  15. Is teamspeak down or..?

  16. Is teamspeak down or..?

  17. A little delayed, but gg on the battle earlier. I liked the fact that we could build.

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