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Status Updates posted by Chikachu

  1. My dad thinks I shouldn't go in my room because it encourages not sleeping in my room. Psh. Like I sleep in my room anyway...

  2. My family just signed my death sentence. I wonder what they were thinking when they let a killer in the palace. Fuuuuu...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Agnub


      My palace needs better guards.

    3. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Glad I'm not a Hightower then again I can protect myself.

    4. moosehunter123


      Lolz beat i could save ya but im good

  3. New forum picture! It's Artie!

  4. New Lord FTW: A troll is a small mythical creature believed to get into a person's head and cause them to act in strange ways. The best known example comes from human mythology where a person ran around in all black calling himself "Batman". The only known cure for trolls is to capture them and perform all sorts of special magical cures on them until they behave normally.

    1. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      Trolls die when there are no more minds to overtake, fool!

    2. SortedJarhead
  5. New siggy... Hightowa powa!!!

  6. Not as Kali, of course, but I'm considering another character working there, at least for a time.

  7. Now I have two more friends, I'm slowly but surely going up in the world.

  8. Oh man, I love my new texture pack steve... http://i.imgur.com/kuWMM.png

    1. shiftnative


      How.. dapper! Hahah!

    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      My NPC takes great offense to this and his butt is hurting right now. Give him some Vaseline please.

    3. Chikachu


      Sorry, he should quit the anal sex... no matter how fun it may be.

  9. Oh you gotta meet Samira now...

  10. OMG!!! My parents are awesome! To all those who have heard me rage, I take it all back! (I'll probably be angry at them again in the future, but they just gave me the best Birthday present ever!!!

    1. Kaiser


      Parents always love their children, rage or not remember that

    2. loakmendbe


      Well said uracow, well said.

  11. On my way home very very soon. Woot!

  12. Parents got mad at me for falling asleep on my computer while I'm sick. Really? UGHAHA! I'm moving out.

    1. Respiren


      They want you to take care of yourself better.

    2. Miquill


      I've fallen asleep at the computer myself, and I always get mad when I do.

    3. Chikachu


      It's not so much them just getting mad, but the fact that they Stole my internet for a day because of it.

  13. Psh. Get over it. My internet exploded. We finally got it fixed about... ten minutes ago.

  14. Quote of the day: "Yeah, that smile's about to turn into a frown and then blood." Guess who...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. moosehunter123


      Ill hlep you with this killing assassin!

    3. moosehunter123


      Ill hlep you with this killing assassin!

    4. Ender_Panda13


      My guess would be the Joker :/

  15. Really Lancel. Really?

    1. yekim8


      Give us the goss, Imperial Princess!

    2. lemontide331
    3. Redbaron™


      I missed it, what I do?

  16. RIP Kali Horen... On a happier note, Happy Birthday Little Artie...

    1. Sargeblub


      You had to protect the Mage D:

    2. Chikachu


      Of course she did.

  17. Samira is Silence's split personality... slash Soul that basically decided to inhabit Silence when she ran away and didn't want to remember what happened to her. Samira took her memories away.

  18. Sharpen your sword, Lion. The time is coming...

  19. Shiftnative, I know you're busy and stressed and there's a lot of pressure, but please read my PM. Please, please, please. I think it will help.

  20. So when are you going to get on so we can do the whole wedding thing? We need to hurry before Lion gets on. :P

  21. So... what do you know about Raven that he doesn't want me to listen to?

  22. Someone hurt my slave. It's time for some serious meta. :| (I kid, I kid don't kill me!)

  23. Sorry about that. My parents took away my laptop for the day. I had to sign a fricken contract to get it back...

  24. Sorry everyone. Time for me to go. Thanks to everyone for some great times. I had a lot of fun. Especially Artorus and Lion. I know I may have bugged you guys sometimes, but you always had something fun going on. Sorry I'm going and pulling an itaian, but you all know me. I just need to do this. No one feel bad about it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SparehoeCakes


      :( Farewell Chikaea. I hope you one day return!

    3. Cracker


      if she's pulling an italian that means she'll be back soon :D

      good luck wherever you go

    4. aron.


      But i just taught Artie what it means to be a Hightower :/ Hope to see you again :)


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