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Status Updates posted by Anawkin

  1. That new power cord smell!

    1. Baconthief


      Mmmmmm smells like a palm muted G powercord followed by three harmonic pinches with a lil vibrato thrown in because Yolo

  2. I do it for the Helix Fossil.

    1. EmeraldStag


      In the name of Helix Fossil and Bird-Jesus, let us party!

  3. How does one go about becoming or playing a golem?

    1. Dizzy771


      You must find someone that is capable of creating a golem, then you must take a short OOC test in order to make sure you know how to RP one correctly I believe.

  4. Just watched, A Few Good Men, honestly one of the best movies I've ever seen.

    1. cj_scout


      You've just now seen that? Wonderfu; fim.

  5. Ain't nobody dope as me?

    1. Evilbanana5757


      I'm just so fresh, so clean!

  6. I love me some french-canadian bald men named charles.

    1. empirerebel


      give me attention

  7. Avalon is a strip mall in real life

  8. what if we put a cap on cappys cappenings

  9. Where are the actual wilds (do not mean northern wilds b/c i haven't found any open land there.)

    1. Katherine1


      Beyond the canyon

  10. Could someone link me the conjuration lore?

  11. Anyone else crashing? Literally happens every time i log in

    1. ~ Fiend ~

      ~ Fiend ~

      Yes. Both me and the person I'm RPing with.

  12. How do I set a gif as my avatar dudes..

  13. You guys really shouldn't make a big deal out of me just because I got my master's in Reverse Psychology.

  14. Looking for some good family rp, just pm me if anyone has something that fits.

    1. lawnmowerman


      sure hmu on skype reee

  15. Cant claim donor perks ig even though buycraft credited it, what should i do?

    1. Knight of Elken

      Knight of Elken

      I can take a look at it friend, i'll get back to you in about a day or so, depending on how well I deem the skin to be lol

  16. I am u but stronger.

    1. Trinn


      There is only one Trinn.

      One Trinn to rule them all

      One Trinn to find them

      One Trinn to bring them all

      and in the darkness eat bind them

  17. funny how you try and silence us when we voice complaints against staff decision, really shows the the level of maturity here. It's obvious Wiseacre's trial was a case of nepotism, go ahead and delete this one too.

    1. Jonificus



  18. .

    1. Anawkin


      @Telanir You can't justify such a poor disregard for the community's opinion with "Oh let's just scrape the bottom of the barrel and see how it goes lmao". It's happened multiple times, and I'm not calling you out personally but the staff seem to forget that without the average joes here, they're nothing.

  19. USA day is just around the corner. Out with the Canucks.

    1. osumanduas


      I'll give yah the ******* right left bud.

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