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Everything posted by Vinny

  1. I. Name: Vincent Olo IV II. Age: 19 IIa. Date of Birth: Not sure IIb. Place of Birth: Hanseti III. Race: Human IIIa. Culture: Hansetian IV. Martial Knowledge: Gods would beg for mercy. V. Profession: Martial Artist OOC MC Name: Papa_Vinny Skype ID: N/A
  2. Name: Ser Vincent Olo II ((Mc name)): x_Vinny_x Experience (Brief): I've been fighting since I had the ability to remember. I'm twenty four now. I've been a Sariant, King's Watch, I've worked for Valles, some other little odd jobs, and I've recently have been knighted by King Heinrik. ((Skype name)): sirgvincent Do you have loyalties to any other groups or orders: Nope. Rank (Ex: Unoathed, builder, cook): Knight
  3. Vincent's eye twitches as he sees this poster.
  4. Copies of these posters are set up around the cloud temple, Kralta, Redpoint, and Abresi. (( Click this link --> http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/107550-the-kings-watch/ ))
  5. Vincent grins as he sees the note. He then turns his attention back to his greatsword and continues to sharpen it.
  6. OOC: MC Name: x_Vinny_x Age: 15 Country: U.S.A Timezone: EST Skype Name: sirgvincent Do you have Teamspeak?: Yes I do! How long have you been playing on the server?: I've been on this server since Aegis. How long you can you be online per day?: Right now, I don't have that much time because of lifting and wrestling. In about 2 months I'll probably be playing 2-3 hours a day after wrestling season's over. What past guilds have you been apart of?: I've been apart of many as different characters. The most memorable one was the Teutonic Order, which was really the only military I played on with my main character, Vincent Olo II. Have you ever held a leadership role before?: Not on LoTC, on another server called Craft of Chivalry, but I'm pretty sure that server got shut down due to corruption. Do you have a VA? (What evils?): N/a. IC: Name: Vincent Olo II Age: 22 Race: Human, Hansetian. Past Experience in military and combat: I used to be in the Teutonic Order before the Castle collapsed. I was injured for quite some time. But ever since I began walking I've always loved to fight. What are your skills?: I'm a tactician, and a warrior. Fighting is really the only thing I pride myself in. There's no better joy than the feeling of glory after you fought your heart out. What weapon do you prefer?: I primarily fight using my greatsword. I've always used a greatsword, it's comfortable to me and is good for range. I keep a shortsword on me just in case I drop my primary. Also, I sometimes bring some javelins into battle. Why do you wish to join the Order?: It really bothers me that the Carrions came into rule. I hate everything that has to do with Carrions. Most of my life I've been fighting them as a Sariant, and I want to keep on going. I don't want to live under a royal family that I hate. What are some strength’s of yours?: Besides combat, I'm literate, I know how to manage finances, and I'm not bad of a businessman. Tell us more about yourself (Brief Biography): Life didn't start off the best for me. My mother worked at a brothel in Abresi and my father left when I was four. Him and my mother weren't compatible. So my father went to go to fort Grewynn to bunk. He was a Sariant. My mother worked a lot at that brothel, so I moved into my Grandfather's house. There, there was my Grandfather, Grandmother, little brother, my two uncles with their wives, my aunt with her husband, and seven cousins. It was a big house, a warrior family. My grandfather made me and all the males in the house study the arts of warfare. He didn't force it onto us. We all enjoyed it. When I was around 11, I began to hustle cookies. I gave most of the money to my family. It was a good time. When I was 14 I went to go see my dad. But he died of the Plague right in front of me as soon as we exchanged a few words. I'd rather not get into that. I wanted to be a Sariant like my dad but Mirtok wouldn't let me because I was so young. So when I was 18 I was enlisted. From ages 18 to 20 I mainly fought Carrions, Flays, and Orcs. When I was 20, I was a blue glove at the time. The fort collapsed and I barely made it out alive. I suffered from a few broken ribs, but I was fixed up by a doctor and I just continued training with my family and hustled cookies ever since then.
  7. ((MC name)) sirgvincent ((Time Zone)) U.S.A Eastern ((Activity, Amount of time spent on)) I am on ALOT! And I have been playing since Aegis. Name: "Queshawn Gibbs." Age: "Twenty six." Gender: "Male." Race: "Human, Southeron to be more specific." Tell us who you are: "Ain't much to talk about, I like to fight though. I have been in a number of orders, militaries, and organizations. But I deserted because of their sheer greediness and corruption. All my life Oren has Irked me with this. Before I decided to be a Celet I was a farmer for Salvus. It was a very hard living and the nobles insulted me constantly as a broke my back for hours." Skills: "I have been taught to use a sword. But I am not that well with it. On a scale from one to ten, I am about an 8.5." Why do you seek to join us?: "Well, I care for the future of Oren. I hope to help make Oren a better place, whatever means necessary." Do you agree to the Honor Code?: "I agree with the honor code."
  8. OOC Mc Name: sirgvincent Age: 14 Gender: Male Rp Skill: Very good, not to brag. I just know how to rp well. IC Name: Queshawn Gibbs Age: 20 Race: Human, Southeron. Gender: Male Are you good in Speech or are you good in a Fight?: In a fight by far. How will you show your faith: I wish to upheld the purpose of the brotherhood by fighting for it. I use all the martial force in my power to serve the brotherhood and keep it strong. Will you be willing to die for the Prophet: Yes, I am.
  9. MC Name: x_Vinny_x Skype Name: sirgvincent Amount of Time on Server: I don't know how much time exactly. But I have been here since Aegis. So a pretty long time. Link to Villain Application (If any): I don't have one yet. My character has no tasks to be completed right now that would require a villan application. But when I need one I will fill it out. Have you recieved a ban, strike, or warn before?: Nope! Not that I can remember.
  10. In Character Name: Vincent Olo II Age: 14 Race: Human What are your professions and talents?: I am best with an axe. But swords I am getting better at. I have been farming as a job for a while now, so that too. I am young so I master no combat. But I have perseverance and I will train hard to train my skills to perfection. Previous military experience: No, a little bit of martial training though. Do you agree to follow the Oath of Allegiance?: Yes. Out of Character MC Name: x_Vinny_x Do you have skype? (Not Required): Yes. Do you have teamspeak? (Not Required):Yes. Do you have an accepted villain application? (Include a link to your VA): No. I might get one if I have a good roleplay reason to have one. Such as a commanders orders or revenge on someone.
  11. MC name : x_Vinny_x RP name : Vincent Cinardo Reason for joining? Vincent writes, " Before setting off to Anthos, I used to be a shield. I fought in about 2 or 3 wars. I cannot quite remember. I resigned to settle down, maybe start a new life. But I figured out my life was pretty empty without the shields. They felt like a family to me. Plus, the art of war is my passion. So, I would like to join back. Maybe with perseverance, I can work to become a powerful addition to the shields!" Weapon of choice? Vincent writes, " I favor blunt weapons, preferably a warhammer." Are you a citizen of Oren? "Yes." Do you have a criminal record? "I have never been convicted of a crime." Vincent looks over the application for any spelling errors. He then sends it to Lancel by seagull. OOC: Skype name? sirgvincent.
  12. Could you please give me permissions on my chest in the barracks? If so, when you get on I can show you where it is.

  13. +-OOC-+ MC Name: sirgvincent Timezone: Eastern Time Skill Levels: Lumberjacking: 15 / Swordsmanship: 100 / Mining: 15 / unarmed: 5 / Stealth: 1 Link to a VA? If applicable: +-IC-+ Name: Simple but Sweet Biography: My father trained me how to use a sword. That is where I started to want to be a warrior. But then he left me and my mother because he turned into a violent drunk. So we moved to a village and I grew up there. I would practice with a wooden sword on the scarecrow on the farm. Sometimes gaurds would teach me a few tricks and let me use their dummies. That was pretty much it of my life. I've always followed my dream of being a warrior, to do good for others. Skills or Traits you have Affinity towards: Out of all my skills, my skills with a sword is the best. I can somewhat lumberjack and mine. Past jobs and/or experiences: I started of working in Crestfall. I was a lumberjack. I was a Norsem Bannerman for a day. But I didn't appreciate the way Lord Norsem killed people for reasons that didn't make any sense. At least to me. Reason for seeking a position as a Vallark Bannerman: My freind Isaac is a bannerman. He tells me that House Vallark does good for people. that's what I want to do with my life. Do good. Have you sworn The Vallark Service Oath? (Copy/Paste it Here): I, Vinny, pledge myself to an oath of service to House Vallark. I swear to carry out with any orders or instruction given to me by any superiors and to follow them without question or comment. I shall do to the best of the ability of my mind and body to further House Vallark and I announce them as my lieges whom which I faithfully serve. I will never go against House Vallark by committing acts of treason or by acting in such a way that either betrays the trust bestowed upon me by my lieges or helps to weaken the household. I must receive permission from a blood member of House Vallark in order to resign from my position. If I choose to disregard this pledge of service, so help me God.
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