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Status Replies posted by mother

  1. Structured RP is better than Free-Form RP. Change my mind? 

    1. mother


      Free-Form RP is good when people are reasonable and remember that there’s more than one definition of powergaming (waacfaggotry/being a munchkin). The problem is that people here are NOT reasonable and like to RP their character skills as “da best” and powergame left and right because the rules only cover the most obvious form of powergaming.


      Structured RP is good when it’s a little loose but still allows detail. And blatantly superior to free-form RP in a vast majority of cases, and some very basic and barebones implementation of it on lotc would probably solve a lot of issues, imo.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  2. Daily reminder just because you're trash doesn't mean you can't do great things. It's called garbage can, not garbage cannot.

    1. mother


      yeah but you’re trash and you can’t do great things

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. >Sutica

    >City is in the middle of a lake, not connected to the coast of their region

    >"We are a nation based on SEAFARING TRADE and have a POWERFUL NAVY"


    Can someone please give me an explanation for this? Please? It's painful. 

    How do you have a navy when you're based in a lake? Why is there a ship in the lake? How did it get there? How does it get out? How does your not-so-deep lake support a giant sea monster? I'm very confused.

    1. mother


      >Blowing the land up and building a retractable bridge via magical/fantasy engineering

      Soundest solution. They have yet to do so.


      >Pretending the land doesn't exist.

      Flat out lazy. Considering the land isn't a flat out land scar, I see little excuse to pretend it doesn't exist other than sheer laziness as a nation. 


      >Magical rams

      Well, magical rams sound interesting, but the problem here lies in the fact that the gravel would supposedly reassemble into solid ground after the ship passed through, which would require an explanation in and of itself.



    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  4. >Sutica

    >City is in the middle of a lake, not connected to the coast of their region

    >"We are a nation based on SEAFARING TRADE and have a POWERFUL NAVY"


    Can someone please give me an explanation for this? Please? It's painful. 

    How do you have a navy when you're based in a lake? Why is there a ship in the lake? How did it get there? How does it get out? How does your not-so-deep lake support a giant sea monster? I'm very confused.

    1. mother


      Telanir, piss off with the "it doesn't need explanation because FANTASY haha" BS. A good setting needs to follow some semblance of logic and/or follow its own internal logic in order to be good. I'm not some Orenite retard who thinks the server should be mineman historical reenactment, as I can accept "This guy can swing around this massive 400 pound hammer like it's nothing because fantasy", but I can't accept "This settlement has a really powerful navy, but refuses to blow up this narrow strip of land blocking their boats from leaving their canal". 

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  5. you know we could make a server that encourages dynamic RP and actually functions efficiently but nah lets have a PvP goon battleground where GM's are contacted every time there's an IRP dispute instead haha

    1. mother


      You know we could have a server that encourages dynamic rp and actually functions efficiently but nah let's just screech every time me or my cybering buddies faces a situation where character development could occur naturally that wasn't forced on by me


      *cough* welves *cough* anime rpers *cough*

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. Leave your grudges behind and free my N word @Krugalicious, he's a good, serious roleplayer. A lot of people did some stuff much worse and got unbanned

    1. mother


      i'm female please use the correct pronouns or i'll report u

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. Man I kinda wanna make a montage of all the RIP Oren posts that everyone made.

    1. mother


      Man I kinda wanna beat a dead horse and bring back the same generic uninteresting empire six times

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)


    I'm coming for you.. you won't know until it's too late. :)

    1. mother


      woah man take some ibuprofen get some rest

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. Blood for the Blood God

  10. A whole 30 minutes of waiting... please hurry 4.0

  11. I'm tired but I know if I go to sleep now i'll wake up and Oren will have claimed the entire map's plots.

    1. mother


      Pls h8 the Oren scum some more (Lub yew Oren <3)

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  12. Were a nonviolent Riot. #RiotFor4.0

    1. mother


      Proceeding to turn this riot into a violent riot...please hold...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. My alpha bod is ready for 4.0. /Flex flex flex

    1. mother


      *anti-flex, his arms being so scrawny that him flexing actually makes whatever muscles he has hide*

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  14. Server down for half an hour, everyone loses their minds

  15. My obsession with Fishing paid off and all those nights I couldn't sleep and was bored! XD

  16. my body is ready

    1. mother


      Prepare thyself.

  17. "You dare oppose the might of the Imperial Legion?"

    1. mother


      *slaps an Imperial Guard and proceeds to run away giggling*

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. @Kaon the Turtle, that won't cut it. Here, try this:

    1. mother


      Ah, much more accurate.

  19. Did anyone else just randomly get blacklisted?

  20. :( It says I am not whitelisted..?

    1. mother


      I am experiencing this very same problem

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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