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Status Updates posted by Hanrahan

  1. Anthos for next map

    1. Kvasir
    2. drfate786


      I agree, it would be feasible lorewise. Perhaps the water levels decreased enough for us to make a return? 

    3. ibraheemc2000


      never played on anthos and only heard good stuff I agree it sounds fun(this anser can change to a no if there is so dessert for haria)


  2. any more rules and we'll start needing lawyers to clarify bans and fight them because no way a regular player will understand it

    1. Raomir


      rules definitely need to be condensed, this is getting out of control lol

  3. Anyone got an Anthos save?

  4. Apparently building a boat, and owning it in IC doesn

  5. aviaries kick ass hell yeah

  6. classic mat leaving apps up for 3+ months

  7. Daily halfling builds are my favourite thing

    1. Nug


      jumper probably freakin out seeing this status 

      they are good and cool! halfling gang!!!!

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      WTF I didn’t notice this status until now.

      I’m glad you like my builds. I think people should show off builds on the forums more and/or make more building guides. The more builds people see on the forums the more likely they are to be inspired by ‘em and try out building something themselves.

  8. does the LT actually know how hated they are

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. excited


      Even if people gather and interpret evidence in a neutral manner, they may still remember it selectively to reinforce their expectations. This effect is called "selective recall", "confirmatory memory" or "access-biased memory".[30] Psychological theories differ in their predictions about selective recall. Schema theory predicts that information matching prior expectations will be more easily stored and recalled than information that does not match.[31] Some alternative approaches say that surprising information stands out and so is memorable.[31] Predictions from both these theories have been confirmed in different experimental contexts, with no theory winning outright.[32]


      In one study, participants read a profile of a woman which described a mix of introverted and extroverted behaviors.[33] They later had to recall examples of her introversion and extroversion. One group was told this was to assess the woman for a job as a librarian, while a second group were told it was for a job in real estate sales. There was a significant difference between what these two groups recalled, with the "librarian" group recalling more examples of introversion and the "sales" groups recalling more extroverted behavior.[33] A selective memory effect has also been shown in experiments that manipulate the desirability of personality types.[31][34] In one of these, a group of participants were shown evidence that extroverted people are more successful than introverts. Another group were told the opposite. In a subsequent, apparently unrelated, study, they were asked to recall events from their lives in which they had been either introverted or extroverted. Each group of participants provided more memories connecting themselves with the more desirable personality type, and recalled those memories more quickly.[35]


      Changes in emotional states can also influence memory recall.[36][37] Participants rated how they felt when they had first learned that O.J. Simpson had been acquitted of murder charges.[36] They described their emotional reactions and confidence regarding the verdict one week, two months, and one year after the trial. Results indicated that participants' assessments for Simpson's guilt changed over time. The more that participants' opinion of the verdict had changed, the less stable were the participant's memories regarding their initial emotional reactions. When participants recalled their initial emotional reactions two months and a year later, past appraisals closely resembled current appraisals of emotion. People demonstrate sizable myside bias when discussing their opinions on controversial topics.[21] Memory recall and construction of experiences undergo revision in relation to corresponding emotional states.


      Myside bias has been shown to influence the accuracy of memory recall.[37] In an experiment, widows and widowers rated the intensity of their experienced grief six months and five years after the deaths of their spouses. Participants noted a higher experience of grief at six months rather than at five years. Yet, when the participants were asked after five years how they had felt six months after the death of their significant other, the intensity of grief participants recalled was highly correlated with their current level of grief. Individuals appear to utilize their current emotional states to analyze how they must have felt when experiencing past events.[36] Emotional memories are reconstructed by current emotional states.


      One study showed how selective memory can maintain belief in extrasensory perception (ESP).[38] Believers and disbelievers were each shown descriptions of ESP experiments. Half of each group were told that the experimental results supported the existence of ESP, while the others were told they did not. In a subsequent test, participants recalled the material accurately, apart from believers who had read the non-supportive evidence. This group remembered significantly less information and some of them incorrectly remembered the results as supporting ESP.[38]

    3. Gone


      Get told not to use unapproved magic again? 

    4. BrandNewKitten
  9. don't forget to vote if you want anthos to be our next map a high voter turnout is required or else the admins will fart on it


  10. don't forget to vote on that gunpowder post!!

  11. Edit: Anthos didn't actually get flooded that was Asulon Anthos we literally got bored off and left in rp via a portal

  12. free dewper you lot

  13. full on 108 players ?????

  14. give marna nation status or give it death

  15. give me anthos or give me death

    1. Heero


      we tried you kept avoiding it

  16. give me kincaid or give me death

  17. God I love 20 pages of hot takes

    1. Unwillingly


      considering the server is p much split in half on the idea of guns I wouldn’t rly call it a “hot take” 

  18. heres an idea we pick commanders from all factions and then we fight in total war warhammer...

    1. Jachnun


      what movie is that from?

    2. AmK


      card jutsu

    3. Freischarler


      it would be too easy tbh id win

  19. hohoho travellers

  20. Holy sheeit back

  21. How the eff do you put a picture onto a forum post these days

    1. Vaynth


      Usually by copy and pasting the image directly onto it.

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