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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by Aengoth

  1. CRP is so much fun i love it.

    1. Shorsand


      pvp is so much fun i love it

    2. Aengoth
  2. @Pius doesn't have a dishonest hair on his body

  3. @joey calabreeni i don't think this look works for you

    1. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth


      c.2017 moments after joey calabreeni unloaded an image of a burning man on the forums, the fm team takes aim.

  4. 911 yes send help I believe I just saw aerial get gunned down in the streets

    1. excited


      gunned down by the merciless @bisnitche. murmurs a peasant

    2. ooooowee
  5. Aengoth works furiously to try to still salvage his post to rep ratio under FM watchInternet-censorship.jpg


    1. Wendigo


      I repped you, hope that counts for something. I like tasteful memes like this.

      Perhaps a rep back will earn you some brownie points.

    2. Aengoth


      I'm being held hostage in a very discreet manner

  6. Aerial's a good guy, thanks to him I've gained a shitton of rep

    1. excited


      *tips fedora 

  7. After reading the doggers post I think I might've also gone mental mental chicken oriental without realizing it


  8. After taking some time to reflect I have decided to become worse

    1. saint swag

      saint swag

      be the problem you want to see in the world

    2. Zarsies


      I respect your decision.

  9. all i want is the upvotes (someone save my ratio)

  10. Ave The Most Serene and Holy Grand Empire of Vanderguan

  11. back from my two week hiatus

  12. back from the hospital what up folks

    1. Aengoth


      got my appendix removed due to acute appendicitus

  13. Blame Temp 2016

  14. choosing to fight at seaworld turned out to be a bad idea

  15. chuckaboo returned to the server as an egirl what timeline did we enter while i was banned

    1. argonian


      the one where nelson mandela didnt die in prison


      crazy right?

    2. rukio


      To be fair, I returned as a manly man.

  16. Cranked out a 5000 word case study today. Never again please.

  17. credit to anore for putting out positive changes to conflict rules

  18. dargrind is getting sent to the philippines now ☹️

    1. tasty_cheesecake


      he must do fruit contract underwriting for 10000 years

    2. CombatRolePlay
    3. rukio



  19. dream team was a lie

  20. every server update I get to see kowaman age 5 years but i think this one may earn him a seniors discount

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