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Status Updates posted by Shadeleaf

  1. I've found another reason Mac is less useful than anything; one button mouses.. its almost depressing.

  2. -cracks knuckles- Commencing Storyline in 3... 2.... 1-40 weeks :)

  3. -first bumps self and Emily- Plugin finally finished, First the tech forums... then; ANTHOS! *evil laughter*

    1. Demotheus


      P...plugin? Which...which one?

  4. http://prntscr.com/2ns8oc Ahh... Silence.
    1. Lark


      And then. "Bloop!" You received a message!

  5. Server is going to be kinda wonky for a bit, log block issues and all dat, searching all the logs for the word "enderdragon" seems to make the poor thing lag out. This is relevent http://i.imgur.com/7GSD0t1.gif

    1. Kaiser


      w-what enederdragon? Haha what? Ha... I'd do no such thing

      leave me alone now

  6. Viper you don't just post stuff like that, it's like waving a piece of meat a'front a dog's nose then going into your room and locking the door :{

  7. And now you have +10

  8. Post writin' time! Favorite time of day.

  9. Hey, wasn't that 2012 thing supposed to happen 2 years ago? Suck it Myans!

    1. Lark


      Plot twist: The end of the world already happened and we're just only rebuilding.

  10. It's too late, I'm listening to math jokes, on youtube...

    1. Nug
    2. Lawrence Berell

      Lawrence Berell

      What happens if you cross a mountain climber and a mosquito?

      You can't cross scalers and vectors!

  11. "Yea I'm going to bed"

  12. -walks into dwarf larp, gets yelled at- "Dead" -leaves-

    1. Aengoth


      Thats what ya get ya pointy ear

    2. Tethras


      <3 That was so funny... Spuller Jamaican dwarf accent... Like it was a joke. But haha.

  13. Just woke up again, apparently Spotify decided that I should be listening to the Ready Set... good game universe.

  14. Heero is really chill. Me and him, best conversation ever

    1. empirerebel


      He told everyone he saw me irl at school when I didn't go to school the day he claimed he saw me! HE LIES DON'T TRUST HIM!!!! He's kind of chill I guess though other then that and a few other things.

    2. AgentSunny


      I'd like to think everyone is chill...but this server brings the worst out of them sometimes. (no exclusion)

  15. Heero is really chill. Me and him, best conversation ever

  16. Make the area behind status updates and recent topics opaque so I can read them .-.

  17. I have too many games. But I don't know which one to play...

    1. Baconthief


      Lord of the craft

    2. everblue2er101



  18. Time to go wraith hunting

    1. Tom_Whiteman



  19. So Sarients... how was the event?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Slic3man


      Twas good, them natural spawns got annoying. We may have delved into the tunnels and got tomes after...

    3. osumanduas


      The mob spawning was crazy, but other then that it was really enjoyable.

    4. osumanduas


      It was nice to have a bit of buildup before the main battle, I really enjoyed the event.

  20. Monks! Message me if you want to rp before the temple thing happens!

    1. Shadeleaf


      Like message me ingame if you get on x3

  21. If status updates get removed, then this shall forever be plastered on my profile page.

    1. Garukumus


      And this silly face will always be here. x3

  22. So its like freezing here, in the house, there be ice in the sink. Moral of the story, never leave the windows open overnight.

    1. Aislin


      My kitchen sink faucet broke because my pipes froze, causing the water to expand and mess it all up.

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