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Status Updates posted by DruinsBane

  1. The villain that jumps from windows into hay-bales, usually die first.

  2. Is anyone else having problems with soulstone pillars?

  3. Here's a timer, you guys have fun when it hits. Deal with the confusion before I wake.

  4. The trip to Athera, I wonder what we're gonna fight between than and now. Maybe a Cracken or something.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nug


      is it cracken or kraken

    3. DruinsBane


      I've become error, its Kraken.

    4. Boomack21


      how about we just go there

  5. Just finished the prototype for the Giovanni manor in 4.0

    1. DruinsBane
    2. Varsatorul


      Looks good, you should have taken the screenshot during the day.

  6. Didn't cook chicken properly, I've had a nice life. Please don't sue the chicken makers once I'm gone, they didn't mean it.

    1. DruinsBane


      Should a had fruitloops instead.

  7. Oh, Pathfinder. Giving stats that shouldn't have stats since thought. Undead Fetus.

  8. Anyone have a copy of the fringe-map, an overview (actuall picture). I've looked for one but I just can't seemed to find one.

  9. Anyone have a map of Anothos?

    1. _pok_


      tythus uploaded one, if you mean like a picture just google it you should find it

  10. I awoke to the sound of screaming, my screaming. I had just had a nightmare about flying knives, not the most scarriest thing I've ever dreamed of. But it was 1 AM and I thought this would be a good time to not go back to sleep, I will not be taken by surprise by flying knives.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zarsies


      Come raise undead minions with me, no sleeping on the job.

    3. Guest


      How were you asleep at 1 AM. Please teach me your ways master.

    4. DruinsBane


      Er- I go to bed at six pm and earlier, wake early am.

  11. I awoke to the mechanical churning and automated beeping that haunted my early morning, seeing it rumble seeing it tumble down my street. Safely in my bed did I stir, knowing I had put my bins out prior and that they'd be collected by this not so silent protector of the night.

  12. I don't understand people who say PVP is hard to avoid, I can still count all the times I've done it on one hand, since the start of Anthos.

    1. DruinsBane


      I'm sorry for my arrogance.

    2. CosmicWhaleShark


      It's unavoidable if you're in a hot-spot for raids and such. Just depends on where you're at, really.

    3. blindmind


      In all the years this server has been around, I've been in one PvP fight and, for me, too many RP fights.

  13. 4:38 am, good morn'en everyone what a cold time to get up at.

  14. I was ready to have a lovely day, I got up to the sound of birds chirping, and had a most relaxing shower. "Thud!" than it hit me, well I hit it and that was the floor, so I have resigned myself to the bed today. Bad omen.

    1. Zeedus


      I hope you're okay my friend!

  15. Why am I making pizza at 6:36 am, I make strange decisions when I'm tired.

    1. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      Because you're hungry and there ain' no stopin' a man who's hungry.

    2. nordicg_d


      Woah, take a nap man! If you do something this crazy again. God knows what might happen!

    3. drfate786


      I know what will happen, you will wake up at 1:00 PM exhausted and fatigued and this will continue for a whole week.

  16. Finally got to the climax of my D&D campaign, party confronts this evil king, flesh start pealing off his face, lich. And all through the encounter this bad-ass undead wizard kept rolling ones and twos, not a spell was cast that day.

    1. MagikalCookie


      Trust me, it's even worse when it's even worse when everyone in the party rolls less than a three and the dungeon master rolls consistent twenties.... Oh memories...

    2. Samler


      Reminds me of a campaign. I had made this bad-ass guy to let them fight against (or so I thought). Dead before he managed to act. ;-;

  17. Anyone just look into the mirror and see those sunken eye's, and that scraggly goatee and think, yeah I could buy illegal items off this guy.

  18. Trying to listen to music on youtube, doesn't work for some reason, no music that isn't on my computer doesn't work. One thing led to another started listening to satanic chanting from one of my religion assessments.

  19. There's something that riles me to no end, Jeff the killer. One of the worst literary characters I've ever displeasure of reading about! And yet there's so much fan-art and praise, I knows its subjective and everyone has the right to their own opinion, but screw them they're wrong!

    1. Amorphbutt


      I feel your pain. Let us be snobby writers together.

    2. RejhaNarok


      Yes. Let your hate consume you. Give in to the dark side.

    3. Dromui


      Senpai pls

  20. I don't understand why people wear hoods and masks to hide their identity, one you look creepy, second the guards will come beat you up cause your creepy and then remove your mask like some Scooby-Doo villain. Dress up like a farm or peasent, people trust peasents.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Nekkore


      It's because. 1. Edginess overload. 2. Hoods are cool.

    3. Bucky_24


      :D I just had this conversation with someone In-Game. Silly Anti-Heroes.

    4. Mephistophelian


      Shhhh, they need an excuse to have a hood, and you just removed their best one!

  21. Yay! Just recieved my magic the gathering deck in the mail, you'll never guess wat deck type it is.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DruinsBane
    3. Dromui



    4. Dromui


      I'm too poor for standard, I just stick to EDH.

  22. I haven't left the necro stronghold for like weeks, all I do on LOTC is scare kids off who come to close to our land. I feel like a scooby doo villian.

    1. DruinsBane


      Just keep off my land.

    2. TeaLulu


      That's how I feel about my pumpkin patch lawn

    3. TeaLulu


      We need a spooky homeowner's association. Our property values are suffering.

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