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Status Updates posted by Ålastorous

  1. My reaction to seeing familiar faces after returning to the server again: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9je0a2DHh1rpeton.gif

  2. So yesterday my father happened to be drunk. He tends to be bi-polar and completely out of line when he's drunk so- just putting that out there. Anyway- What would you do if one of your parents purposefully dumped left over cut grass all over the driveway and sidewalk just so you had to clean it up? (We're talking A LOT of cut grass)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ålastorous


      @Jarkarll Funny- That's actually what I did.

    3. Merkaken


      Suck it up and dump it on your parents bed. Or in their clothing... Or just whack your father upside the head with a beer bottle.

    4. 3andD


      Clean it?

  3. So would a true friend invite you to his house, not tell you that he invited his girlfriend, ignore you the entire time, pay all the attention in the world to her? Would a true friend blame you (In such a rude way) for excluding yourself from the group if HE ignored you for hours and hours? I honestly don't understand people sometimes.

    1. CommunistSpy


      Bah, friends? You just need a cat.

    2. Nug


      I got two cats, I'm popular. ^3^

    3. argonian


      I'd have pretended I had to go and just leave if I felt I was being completely ignored and was literally doing nothing but just walking around bored.

  4. So my mother had said that chocolate is better than.. this certain activity between two loved ones.. that takes action usually after all of the kids in the house have gone to bed... >_>

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Ålastorous


      I.. well.. I blame my lack of sleep.

    3. Arkelos


      Better then Pattycake?



      Sometimes the kids don't go to bed, they are playing pattycake just like the parents.

  5. Do you enjoy heavy metal music? Probably not.. HOWEVER! If you happen to enjoy it, I've found a pretty cool band. Check 'em out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv54mix4ANY

    1. Tee-Tree


      Do you like Techno? Well If you do check out this guy http://www.youtube.com/user/waterflame89

  6. Whoever posted a somewhat rude comment on one of my Youtube videos, I don't particularly appreciate it. And yes, I know it was someone from here.

  7. Should be sharing a video of the guitar competition preformance I did the other day. Hopefully you guys will enjoy it. hehe.

  8. I got 2nd place in the guitar competition I was talking about the other day. 1st place was a kid who I personally thought didn't REALLY earn 1st place. BUT! I'm happy for him and I'm glad to see that he won. My prize, on the other hand was 10 hours of recording time in a Studio of some sort, T-Shirts, guitar strings, and some hats. Woot. hah

    1. Salamandra



    2. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      Nice job dude!!! :D

    3. Ålastorous


      Thank you both very much. I'll be giving a link to footage of my preformance sometime this week.

  9. Playing in a guitar competition tomorrow. Should be fun. I hopez I preform well. heh.

    1. Bethykinss
    2. Ålastorous


      Thank you very much. :3

    3. Haelphon
  10. If a VA Team member could take a look at this, I'd very much appreciate it. Much thanks. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/86189-ios-revens-va/#entry750708

    1. SparehoeCakes


      You posted it yesterday. Patience.

    2. Ålastorous


      I'm an anxious guy. Hah. But yes- I should be more patient. You're right.

  11. Will be preforming this song live sometime soon.

    1. TheRoyalOnion(Aris)


      I'll back you up with vocals if need be!

    2. Ålastorous


      Yeah man! But you'd have to be pretty good at singin' to nail this song. The vocals are rather tricky.

  12. Recently, I've been over to the girl I care very much about's house. And- it was pretty nice. We had dinner, played Mario for the Wii, rested on a trampoline and talked, talked more- just.. It was very very pleasant and nice. There is a twist to the story though, her physical condition acted up a wee bit while I was there. Her and her mother wrestled on the trampoline for fun, and her body couldn't really handle it, so she sorta just shut down. At first I was slightly worried, b...

    1. Ålastorous


      but then I came to realize that this is almost normal for her. So I calmed down. I'm not quite sure why I share this with you, but- eh.. what the heck. Hah. Anyways- Many prayers for this girl. Goodnight, Lord of the Craft.

    2. Trintea☕️


      Huh, Well, I'll pray for her.

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Good luck mate. don't let it get to you, she has personality, which is a plus.

  13. Great music for dark and sinister Roleplay.

  14. So I already posted a video of me playing this song, but I might as well post myself playing it again, in a different venue. I SHOULD be getting these other damn vids of me playing up soon. So stay tuned!

    1. Nworb Mas

      Nworb Mas

      I'm better, pshhh. Jkz :)

  15. Geez.. What do you do if you can't sleep? I can't seem to stop over thinking when I need to sleep. Just- Ugh. It's frustrating.

    1. KarmaDelta


      Insomnia random passerby!

      I am glad this butler was able to be of some use to low grade commoners.

      Oh, looks like my tea is done.

  16. Played a live show earlier tonight. Will be uploading the footage soon for you all to see.

  17. It's the sweetest thing when you tell that someone you're oh-so interested in how much they mean to you- and she/he doesn't know how to respond. It genuinely makes me smile like a weirdo at my computer screen every time I make this wonderful someone in my life happy. Anywho- I wish you all a lovely evening/morning depending on where you live.

  18. Guys... look what I found? Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35HBFeB4jYg

    1. Mankaar


      The acting in that is a shame to humanity... Watch a slender series instead more often then not there better then the movies!

    2. Ålastorous


      The acting was pretty horrible I'll admit, but the jumpscares were pretty nice. So- yeah.

  19. I beat my alarm clock this morning. Haha! No waking up to, "BEEP..BEEEP..BEEEP!" for me!

  20. That moment when you come back to talking someone you've not seen in forever.. and they want to be with you.. o-o



      Makes me wish someone wanted to be with me. Good luck, brave soldier.

    2. Ålastorous


      The complication is that I already care about this other girl so much.. o.O Ohh boy. Yeah I'll definitely need all the luck I can get

    3. Lord of the Nublets

      Lord of the Nublets

      Gah... so COMPICATED

  21. Right so.. Today was kinda fun. I talked to the girl I care so much about, I watched Oz with my friends (I wouldn't recommend seeing it), I wrote most of my own original instrumental song, and then I talk more with the girl I really care about. Heh. Anyways- Goodnight, Lord of the Craft.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ålastorous


      Like I said- It's sleepy time for me, but I'll be sure to message you soon. Sound good?

    3. shiftnative
    4. Ålastorous


      Alright, cool. G'night.

  22. Finally got a VA done.. I feel like I did a crappy job though. >.> Meh. Whatevah.

    1. Ben-Powell


      Not read it entirely yet, but I enjoy it, the first half if a bit.. icky, not the content, more the presentation ^^

  23. Hmm.. Have you ever cared for someone so much that it sometimes overwhelms you?

    1. Althallos


      *raises hand*

    2. Kaiser


      Actually yes

      Thanks, not you got me thinking of her, and my feel are hitting the fan

    3. Ålastorous


      Well hey- at least you have someone you care about. That's all that really matters. Yeah?

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