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Everything posted by LPT

  1. Scandinavian pirate metal anyone?
  2. Anyone ever read George Ornwell? Good philosopher, not my favorite author though,

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FORƎST


      I feel like you might trying to allude to something here friend

    3. LPT


      Nope, just a friendly book reader trying to change the subject

    4. KoTo


      1984 is a great novel

  3. I'm always looking for feedback on my ability to moderate the forums. IF you have something to say about me post it here! :) https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/118460-jaden568s-fm-application

  4. Look at your download speed and feel good for a moment, even if you dont have google fibre. http://gyazo.com/fccb08ad54ba964cc1b3813054a1925b

  5. When I do a siege I like to listen to classical music.

  6. Wow, this is interesting
  7. I have an idea for an Ad for LoTC http://imgur.com/01gEnzv Keep in mind it is only a prototype. I don't like the colour scheme and the photo could be better, but what are your thoughts on the slogan, and should I make one for each race?

    1. Temp


      It would make more sense if it was on the structure with it's door closed.

    2. LPT


      That is a valid point. I just felt as if that photo was taken too much. I kind of want a photo of the Halfling landscape from the door so it already looks like you are a halfling stepping outside

    3. Heff


      wtf is that place!

  8. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/118460-jaden568s-fm-application/ If anyone wants to give feed back on FM application/FM skills that would be nice. : )
  9. It's for an awful cause, but I mean. It's still a cause... Right? http://www.gofundme.com/IneedSteamGames

    1. Nug


      get a job scrub

    2. LPT


      Nug u ***. I have a job, I just spend all my minas on... Well, steam.

  10. I just looked at a Rolex that was 6K and said ÈWow, thats pretty cheap..." I've been looking at 300K watches for too long.

  11. What if Cappy's Admin abuse report was mreally to gain all parties a lot of rep. #Illuminaticonfirmed

  12. I tried to turn a thread into debate club, it went no where.

  13. Tell me what you think of me, and my ability to FM. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/118460-jaden568s-fm-application/ Or don't. I'm not the cops.

    1. Heff


      gay af total ****** caught him slppin on the cuz

  14. I just wan't the money to buy a 3k rolex.... Is that too much to ask?

  15. One spot left in the First Debate competition of LoTC. Sign up now! https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/118900-the-first-debate-competition-of-lotc

  16. Greetings LoTC staff... I have cleverly placed 7 bugs in hidden spots of each of your showers. Remove the whitelist as a whole or the bugs will be spiders and they will scare you into a shower free hell... You have 3 hours.

  17. 2. Why do you think there are so many animals that confess disloyalty to Napoleon? Were their confessions truthful? Or was it hysteria? You know the drill... why or why not? He did it again...

    1. TheBareSheet


      Interesting! We should discuss Animal Farm together, I'm studying it in class soon.

    2. yopplwasupxxx


      four legs good, two legs bad

  18. So this is my English teacher trying to be funny... I still approve of the effort [1. Do you think Mollie runs away or was kidnaped? Obviously you need to give evidence to support your opinion ... I mean, otherwise this questions would be too easy.]

  19. It's time to mine this reputation! +1 my posts guise.

  20. I need an idea for a short story for Grade 11 English. Anyone have any ideas?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Birdwhisperer


      You wake up one day and discover someone has replaced every object in your house with an identical copy.

    3. Cave_Creature


      Ghosts messing with paranormal investigators in a comedic manner.

    4. Porko


      A young lion grows up as the prince to his kingdom of animals. However, he has an evil uncle named Racs who kills his dad Asafum. The prince lion is then exiled and has to live then try to get his kingdom back

  21. Now that I think of it a Personal tip thing would be cool!

  22. If you wanna be my lover!

    1. Llir


      You're going to have to give

    2. CaptainSheepy
    3. SodaiKamikaze


      Taking is too easy, but thats the way it is

  23. If you wanna be my lover!

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