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Everything posted by Dtrik

  1. Few Things:

    R L=J

  2. When the preworkout you took at 18:30 is still keeping you up. Well time to create Starbreaker Traditions and Trials.

    1. DrakeHaze.


      Hurray for 400+ mg of caffeine!

  3. 11 hour shift killed my knees

    1. LPT


      Like mother like son ;)

    2. Dtrik
  4. The Struggle

    1. ShameJax


      Don't spam shoot me please.

  5. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/136358-a-reminder/ To the wording of "during" makes me think, after the raid, are parties able to then take a fast travel home? 

    1. Skippy


      if PvP is over I thought you could

  6. Got accepted to Columbus Community :D 

    Damn I am old

  7. Just created a twitter @NapkinFacts Follow for all your daily facts on napkins

  8. Summary of the tiny chat:



    The man, the myth, the legend SCOTT STERLING!!!

  9. Dangren Starbreaker, son of Dagor Starbreaker
  10. No habla server

  11. Just reading through starbreaker lore and saw this, "rumors of Gotrek being able to spit great waves of fire at the enemy." Even in Aegis black dwarves were owning the rap game

    1. Zarsies


      It seems the innate ability has dropped off around your lineage...

    2. Dtrik


      m8 I spit fire like a dragon, dun step on me turf 

  12. I feel like Ben Carson is the type of black guy to own slaves

  13. Dwarf teamspeak now has server group elf for all of you snow-would-not-exist-without-dwarven-support-elves and menarra dankblades smoking that double edged katana kush.

  14. When high elf alchemists decide racial lore rewrites

  15. I feel as if the candidates on each side that are pulling barely 1% of the vote are hoping for some god clutching action were the votes get messed up some how and they win. 

  16. If you are able to, put money in weapon company stock. After greek civil war starts from Golden Dawn winning government positions the USA will fund each side with weapons. It probably will not intervene much too,militarily, for the fact Greece is a "European" nation and will go against a democratically elected government. +1 America


  17. Fam, why would you need lore? It is just going to get repealed 4 months from now. #trustory #dwarflyf #GottaMakeNewLoreToRepealOldLovedLore #emiRight
  18. Slim Jesus, lord and savior

  19. Jet fuel cannot melt steel beams! Don't let your steel beams be dreams!

  20. Found a nalatac.

  21. Went ets get banned

  22. Imagine the rep from a person making a post about upgrading to more server slots.

  23. "Nal△tac": http://i.imgur.com/SHD0MFT.gifv "Nal△tac": Irehearts

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