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Everything posted by Dtrik

  1. Qthgotn-Qthgtyn, the Limning Herder. Shbchl, The Erudite Gorger. Achan-Chatla, the Lilting Wisdom. Pronounce that please, could use this is lotc hangman and never lose.
  2. Would need to be limited to event team as I can sense the cancer (ooc fights about power levels)and the ban reports(cyber w/ animal players). I like the lore but it has to be restricted to events
  3. The best way to play an antagonist is to fight by the same rules as the players have to abide by. Siege them as they would siege you. Be their opposite yet their mirror image. Also allow the possibility of winning, if you demand blood off the bat in an event, the group loses ooc moral to continue. (



      Lmao? Yeah the best way to play the antag outnumbered 8 to 1 is to abide by the same rules everyone else does 



    2. Dtrik


      Only if you do not take volunteers. People will turn coat on a separate persona to fight for the antag. Not everyone wants to constantly play the good guys against the antag. I allow volunteers in my undead raids and both sides have loved it. Besides staff have mobs to fill in areas where antag bodies need to be shot at. People dislike the  theme of an overpowered staff antag, players can help in ending that idea by temporarily being the antag. 

  4. I am waiting silently to see mod approved fidget spinners in the auctions.

    1. GloriaPreussens


      Blame Xarkly, they're called Arcane Spinners.

    2. Dtrik
  5. Hi Guys! I am a new member of the Event Team, woot! With that I want to be able to provide events for multiple groups. If you want to add me on discord to get in touch with me it is Dtrik
    #2019 Add me to your group chats if you want. I will reply to them as soon as possible.

    1. ScreamingDingo
    2. J


      good luck with it my friend

    3. Ford


      prepare yourself

  6. Name: Clan Father Dangren Starbreaker (( MCName: Dtrik )) Race: Cave Dwarf Gender: (( Timezone: EST )) Write a little about why it is you wish to serve the Aengul of Order: "For many years the dwarves have lived lives of defense against undead manace, but as a golden age of unselfish kings have inspired greatness within the race and nation, we are able to seek talents to reclaim a world covered by unholy menace. Through the Gods we are able to combat necromancy and other unholy evils that may plague a nation. I seek to unselfishly bind myself to the will of the Gods in an attempt to provide quick response to unholy transgressions to a land of Urguan." ((No one really has holy magic in the dwarven kingdom so joining a third party holy order and passing wisdom from two cultures might provide for joint opportunities in roleplay.))
  7. We get it, you have a lot of lore.
  8. Dwarves have positions they need filled. Gg. #universityMakingOldDwedLeave

    1. Charles_Grimlie


      When you don't got time to be King Dorf for 4th time. #UniversityMakingOldDwedLeave

  9. Dtrik


    /waits for Yeulf to spend one day copy and pasting the same emotes to make it to destroy stuff/
  10. "Thanhium absorbs heat and transforms it into mana, and the larger the crystal or ore, the more heat it draws in and thus the more mana it is able to hold. However Thanhium as a simple mineral is unable to regulate the amount of heat it attempts to draw in, and thus exposing the Thanhium to a massive amount of heat, will cause it to overload and release its mana in anyway it can - a large explosion. The size of the thanhium crystal absorbing the heat determines at which point it will explode, and how large the explosion will be. A large crystal will need a significant amount of heat in order to detonate, and likewise a smaller crystal will need less heat to detonate, but the explosion would be significantly less destructive." -Benbo In other terms, you cannot melt thanhium.
  11. And why does this catalyst of roleplay have to center around doomforged again? Just because the old lore was created around your clan does not mean it should be guild locked to your clan. Can this catalyst of rp not transition itself to mainstream dwarves? Not dark dwarves with their entire rp and mechanics focused into an entirely different land/culture.
  12. If you are so pro-dwarves having it above other races, why are you anti-runesmith? If only about 3 1/2 dwarves know runesmithing, why can they not learn it through trial and error? Why does it have to be with Doomforged? Why does it have to center around Doomforged? Why does it not center itself around dwarves if it is suppose to bring them rp?
  13. Same. The Doomforged are rarely seen to be actual dwarves. Just dark elves with dwarvish heritage, waaaaaaaaaay back when they were first made. The dwarven community rarely sees a Doomforged, let alone one willing to rp in dwarvish areas. The Doomforged will just recycle their magic users making sure no one besides a dark elf or inactive doomforged, knows the magic. It would be better for experienced runesmithes to be able to discover it too as to make it so one community, one that is very distant from the community they are attempting to label themselves as, cannot have sole control. There needs to be an event or something along those lines, that allows those who already have the capability of creating active runes, to be able to learn and use the magic.
  14. So all the Doomforged will learn it, their dark elf cousins will learn it, the entire edgy community will learn it. But no one else.
  15. Why+does+staff+recycle+their+members+and+then+act+like+nothing+happens+after+they+get+hacked+by+said+recycled+members?

  16. If I screenshot named items, I get them in 5.0? /Transfers money to 25 minae tax notes/

  17. I feel by next year the GKoU is going to crumble as most of the vet players will be in their senior years or digging deeper into college/work.

  18. What if Jamie kills Cersei and as his sword plunges into the one he loves the most after seeing her fall mentally and emotionally that his valyrian sword ends up being infused with magic and he becomes azorahi. Tin foillllll

    1. Space


      that's not 'tin foil'


      that's a reasonable guess

  19. If Oren is Ramsay then Urguan is Rickon and Dunamis is Jon trying to save the sinking ship.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Malgonious


      ^ You are literally the biggest ******* shitposter I've experienced on LoTC.  

    3. Dreek


      what does that even mean dtrik


    4. Dtrik


      It means Allah is rightous

  20. How is staff going to let Loreq actually wait half a year to respond to him.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ketchen


      Loreq is top Tier.

    3. Moochael


      Loreq is a cool chap

    4. Loreq


      Confused, because I logged on at random to find this notification. I have no idea what this was about.

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