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Status Updates posted by monkeypoacher

  1. I have decided to take up smithing/jeweling RP, because it's fun. We need moar blacksmiths.

    1. Aislin


      We need more incentive to hire blacksmiths, then we'll have more blacksmiths.

  2. My character is addicted to Redstone~

    1. ACanadianCraft (Nate)
    2. Demotheus


      There isn't any accepted lore for redstone dust as far as I can tell on the forums. I looked it up and all I got was a complaint thread that it was being used as a sort of daterape drug a while back when it had no real purpose such as that. So, do tell me how you can be addicted to that?~

    3. monkeypoacher


      It's like huffing glue - It has nothing to do with the aphrodisiac effect, just messes with your head.

  3. Am I not allowed to use my previous villainies with the onset of the new system?

    1. Minea


      You are I believe, but if you make a new one then you have to do the whole system again, namely creating an account VA then an individual char VA.

  4. everything about magic launcher is great minus the fact that it refuses to play online unless all services are online.

  5. Lucky me, staying on as MC services go down.

  6. TODO: Make a dwarven settlement and call it 'Boatmurdered'.

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      TODO: Operation: FTW

  7. diamonds need to be more rarer

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Alan


      more rarerer*

      Wrong as always Rhia.

    3. aron.


      Are you all daft? Rarer is most /certainly/ a word.

    4. aron.


      Alan is a god of linguistics. I trust his expertise above all.

  8. For the love of god someone remove the massive PvP trap in the abresi gate.

    1. Shadeleaf


      It's fitting I think.

    2. Rassidic


      The pitfall of death is needed. Edgy hooded men and women need to be dropped to oblivion.

  9. I believe the VA description of psychopathy is wrong.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Shorsand


      According to the wikipedia definition of psychopath, they fit the bill.

    3. Everman111


      A narcissist is anyone who is in love with themselves and ignorant to others.

      Someone I've met ones who was an expolice officer, defined psychopathic as anyone who can commit an action against all morals and beliefs without feeling grief or sadness but rather has a strong feeling of justification and joyfulness.

    4. V0idsoldier


      Exactly. A narcissist only cares for themselves. They have no empathy for those they hurt, both physically and mentally. A psychopath would be someone like a sadist, someone who takes /joy/ out of hurting others. Simply not feeling anything is not quite psychopathy.

      Also for future reference Shor, Wiki is such a awful source lol

  10. This is exactly why GMs should not dual-wield flintlock pistols.

  11. PvP Default... is now awful. my opinion has changed.

  12. pssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhh

  13. #LIZARDMEN2013

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PtahWithin
    3. Parading


      Orcs and Gobbos, don't **** with me.

    4. SortedJarhead


      Someone needs to start a LotC Warhammer League using the many Warhammer gaming softwares 3:

  14. 1.6 are the suck.

    1. DruinsBane


      1.6 are the suck? Mr Cosby you have some odd ways of saying things.

  15. Are skins really still down?

  16. One of my characters just coined the word 'prostissassin'.

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