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Bashar al-Assad

Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Bashar al-Assad

  1. RP tip: Worship Jaden568, he is the one god. If you do not believe you are a heretic.

  2. RP Tip: Worship Soresan

  3. Dear Diary: Today I...

  4. I was messing around with my hops field and put them into four separate patches labeled A, B, C, and D. D being the most effective, and fruity. I have essentially created SunnyD.


  6. *Sigh* Now Godfrey is gone, and someone exactly like him has taken the throne...

  7. You'd think after thousands of years, humans would have adapted so you don't get stupid 'sleep' in your eyes. But noooo.

  8. So an Entire nation gets a 100x100 plot...Anyone see the problem?

  9. So, looking at the playerbase of the humans and other races playerbase I've got to a pretty rough idea. ¿What if LoTC was an only human RP server?

    1. Bashar al-Assad

      Bashar al-Assad

      Just if it isn't GoT. Make it like legit feudal RP.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  10. Tell me I'm not the only one who doesnt intenionally burn their marshmellow to a crisp becayse they are a pyrotechnic who enjoys seeing things burn.

  11. It's official. I am currently writing a bio for a fire evocationist by the name of Guy Montag. When I RP him he is going to have a fascination for books, burning things, and leaning on the forth wall. His wife also died of a drug overdose. :D

  12. My iTouch fell off a drawer and the screen cracked. The home button doesn't work anymore and now I have to pay $300 for a new one. Thanks apple for making your products expensive and fragile.

    1. Bashar al-Assad

      Bashar al-Assad

      iTouch's screens can be replaced for $100, I'm sure any extra repairs won't cost much more.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  13. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Who wrote Nature's Gift?

  14. So guys, do you emote sneaking about in front of a group of players or do you just sneak?

  15. Writing up some lore... You guys interested in having Trolls on LotC?

  16. I was at the hospital on tuesday, and now it's today I realized that I don't have insurance. Someone grab a gun and shoot me.

  17. Seriously America. -_- There is a difference between an accident and stupidity. http://edition.cnn.com/2013/05/01/us/kentucky-accidential-shooting

  18. So, How do you become nobility?

  19. Second time today I got a /tell "Opps wrong Nord." D:

  20. No longer are we on the front page of minestatus! We can't lose our position like last time. Let's keep a-voting.

  21. No longer are we on the front page of minestatus! We can't lose our position like last time. Let's keep a-voting.


  23. The Orenian economy is inflating because of voting. I'm sorry but it has to go.

    1. Bashar al-Assad

      Bashar al-Assad

      blindmind, due to the economic collapse caused by the destruction of Goldman Co. Even a tiny bit of inflation effects the economy tenfold.

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

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