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Everything posted by CommunistSpy

  1. Hello, this is Patrioticfools mother. I just wanted to say that he had a seizure because of ur post. i hope ur happy.
  2. This is LotC that we're talking about! Some people think it's normal to be a katana tossing half-demon Knight with glowing eyes.
  3. I'm going to go cook something wish me luck pls *puts on helmet*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. domainoft


      Neither do Drugs.

    3. CommunistSpy


      Instructions unclear, I think I made meth accidently oops

    4. Mankaar
  4. >Goes to make a brownie. >Step 1) get 2 eggs. 3) egg rolls off counter and explodes on floor. -_-

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CommunistSpy


      Step two involved starting the oven or something, I got that part right.

    3. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      Step 4. Scoop eggs off the floor, and dump into dish.

    4. SkyyoBee


      Should I be surprised?

  5. I tried making cookies, but I burned them horribly :,(

    1. SkyyoBee


      You say that like it's unusual

    2. Samoblivion


      I got 99 problems, but cookies ain't one.

    3. Hanrahan


      I once melted mine :c

  6. Welp! Make a modreq when 5 staff are online, now there's no staff. Guess my modreq will have to wait for cappy. :L

    1. Aislin


      They thought you were me so they ignored you. Change your name.

    2. CommunistSpy


      If anything, they would do my modreq faster because I'm the famous Aislin from Aegis and stoof

    3. SparehoeCakes
  7. If any newer players need help, whether it's on lore, rules, commands, or anything, please send me a private message here on the forums, or message me in game! I would be happy to help you with whatever you need.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lefty


      hao tu cybur wid a wyld gronkk

    3. nordicg_d


      How to genderbend pls.

    4. CommunistSpy


      Sorry Aislin, you need to be an elf to cyber. :L

  8. He says nothing, staring intensely at the bandits.
  9. MC name?: Patriotic_Fool Do you have Skype?: sure. Do you have Teamspeak?: Yah. Please link any accepted VA’s if any: Too lazy. Do you promise to not Metagame anything whether it helps, or hurts us?: Metagaming is breaking a rule, so no, I won't metagame. This is not a question. Just don’t power game.
  10. I made cookies, but I failed. I have a spoon, so I'm using it to lower their soft, soggy bodies into a serene pool of milk, where I then consume their limp, lifeless corpses.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SkyyoBee


      You always fail at cookies. You always describe your failures in detail. GG.

    3. CommunistSpy


      If at first you don't succeed, try again!

      By the time I can make cookies, I'm going to be so fat.

      Oh well, #yolo.

    4. Lord of the Nublets
  11. How /DARE/ the server interrupt my sermon about the greatness of the Creator! Now the ignorant elves will never know salvation. :,(

    1. Ender_Panda13


      You should go do that in abresi, the guards will love it.

    2. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Hi, can I come inside and talk to you for a few minutes about our wonderful saviors the Aspects?


  13. A wild.. pig thing appeared. I can't pokemon :3

  14. A wild.. pig thing appeared. I can't pokemon :3

    1. gingernut97
    2. Lord of the Nublets

      Lord of the Nublets

      You know nothing of Pokemon. #pokemongeek

  15. 6/10, because he edited his post! :D
  16. I had a dream last nigh-- wait.. I haven't slept yet :(

  17. 7/10! *rates anyway because I'm evil and have VA's for it*
  18. #Justice. I need sum.

  19. MC name: Patriotic_Fool RP name: Bislinn. Age: 24. Race: Mali'ame.
  20. Arcane Shielding requires lots of training, it's not as easy as *gets potion, drinks, is invulnerable to all attacks.* Infact, Arcane Shielding only shields certain areas of the body.
  21. #BringUndeadBack2013

    1. MrSyth


      The ascended need an enemy. I say implement firearms. -Ming

    2. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      Noooo! Unless I am allowed to bring back Nitholiak with full undead skills and abilities from Aegis :D

  22. #BringUndeadBack2013

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