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Status Replies posted by sophia


  2. http://gyazo.com/cf3444eed57ac70dcd8ebb55f9dcfe9a - Remember to celebrate how fast your boast was made, kiddos.
  3. RIP Mogorka. 8/11/14, carbomb in Qatar rip

  4. so many goddamn ban reports

  5. Don't forget to check this out for 4.0:

  6. feminism is ridiculous

  7. GG GooseGuy, 360 banscoped across the diddle. :I

  8. So, twenty five thousand minas later, four hours of removing an entire mountain, I can safely say Vekaro has enough room to support every single person who has ever asked for a house there.

  9. Glad I don't participate in wars and raiding. Is it ever done without issues arising?

  10. Why was benz banned? :(. Sorry if im late, just he was a great ooc friend.

  11. The sever says its up, but it isn't :(

  12. Got kicked 5 times from

  13. Can we please bring back restart warnings? Can't take it anymore.

  14. my nose just dropped off

  15. throness yeaaaa, game of thrones yeaaaa, game of thrones. ******* game of thronesfuckinggameofthronesfuckinggameofthrones

  16. Question, what does one do when their character begins learning tropes through pattern recognition?

  17. So I had 4 surgeries today. In the span of an hour

  18. All in favour of using the "Krughattan" Project to destroy the North, say 'aye'.

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