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Status Updates posted by Watty_Banker

  1. Salted pork...

    1. Kardel


      Saucy beans

    2. AGiantPie


      It was particularly good.

  2. Any fishers on here willing to help me do a project by filling out a questionnaire?

    1. Lima


      I started yesterday, but sure!

    2. Watty_Banker


      Great! I'll inbox you the details

  3. Such an interesting event tonight, thanks for all the fun ET and GMs. Its a shame I couldn't stay till the end.

    1. 501warhead


      Thank you! took a little bit of fine tuning with the command blocks to get everything functioning but this was a kick-starter run of using them... well, you all haven't found the real usage of 'em yet ;)

  4. If you've had some fun RP with me or maybe you just hate my guts. Go and support/hate on my ET application https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/116104-watty-bankers-et-app-0-o/

  5. #Bwanker4ET2k14

    1. nordicg_d


      i dont think you want to be known as a wanker m8

    2. Watty_Banker


      I'm the one and the only.

  6. So.. when is LoTC updating to 1.8?

    1. Leetles


      When Half Life 3 is released

  7. The urge to post pointless warclaim is just... too damn high

  8. I don't give a **** about Aegis huehuehue

  9. We need a new plague! But one that has better RP for the infected side!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more


      For the first time in his life, Dez dons hipster glasses and says no.

    3. Heff
    4. Watty_Banker


      why not? The plague was pretty fun I thought

  10. The last of us is truly a beautiful game. Too bad I'm not a peasant and can't play it.

    1. Watty_Banker


      all the way through that is.

  11. Whats the deal? Is nexus magic on the server?

    1. KarmaDelta


      Nope, but it should be in a few weeks or so.

    2. Booklight12


      It's really glitchy right now to my knowledge and needs to be fixed before being added. Though I think all the spells and such are ready.

  12. Fullmetal Alchemist was a great anime.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Watty_Banker


      Oh and I wasn't meanfully being rude. It was a compliment actually. That FMA has changed my view on anime.

    3. Tefzors


      Yeh lets watch cartoons because they are better than real films

    4. Watty_Banker


      Get banned prick

  13. Good 128x texture packs?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bickando


      Just use conquest lol

    3. Watty_Banker


      Conquest, I already use the 32x

    4. Ford


      Chroma Hills

      super nice

  14. So with my first ever post/comment to reddit I got gold. haha

  15. Arrgh, I didn't want to be up all night... which was why I came on a 6pm to play 4.0.

    1. Raomir


      y r u telling us this?

    2. IrishPerson


      Should've paid attention, we said 6pm event starts.

  16. Don't think I am going on any time soon...

  17. Aaaand OH its up! Yes! Oh.. not whitelisted... *goes and cries in corner

  18. Aaaand OH its up! Yes! Oh.. not whitelisted... *goes and cries in corner

  19. I have been through 2 bottles of Mountain dew and 3 packets of Doritos waiting for 4.0... my double XP is running out.

  20. I remember when I was told that we would have 4.0 by the end of July...

    1. Lark


      Back when I was just a young boy, we didn't have no fancy 4.0...We have 3.0!

    2. Mankaar


      I remember when people stopped complaining... oh wait.

  21. Shiftnative, Why have you forsaken us?

  22. So. I play for the whole of 3.75, when everyone went inactive. Now as soon as I want to join in on the event. I time out and don't have a space.

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