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Status Replies posted by yopplwasupxxx

  1. Pfft, Demotheus, that was hardly 'bigotry'. If you want that, go pay my friends the Lucienists a visit. ;D

  2. Is this hogwarts?

  3. I dont understand why people complain about raids oocly when they can just take an rp approach and oh idk... build better defences?

  4. I dont understand why people complain about raids oocly when they can just take an rp approach and oh idk... build better defences?

  5. Rp default, bring VA's back.

  6. Where're the halflings at? Will they let a couple of humans into their burrows? #tired of pvp

  7. Why is everyone and their grandmother becoming a god damn shade lately? There's been at least 5 additions in the last week to an already over crowded population of OP magic users. That's rediculous. there are at least 15 shades now. And apparently one of them is a powerful cleric : because that makes sense. I understand "let the magic run wild!" but this is rediculous. There is still lore, and without it there's no point in RP. This isn't the OPra show kids.

  8. what did putin do?

    1. yopplwasupxxx


      Putin does what he wants because he is motherfukin Putin

    2. (See 35 other replies to this status update)

  9. what did putin do?

    1. yopplwasupxxx


      Yet that doesn't mean conservative values are wrong, all because Putin likes to kill gays doesn't mean every Right-Winged person wants to.

    2. (See 35 other replies to this status update)

  10. I shall learn contract magic so I can bind men into being my husband and loving me for eternity.

  11. Know that sword-in-the-stone at spawn? Guess who just pulled it... hehe. :3

  12. I'm curious: What kinda of "Holy Creature" do you guys think LOTC might benefit from? A peaceful one that goes around spreading joy? Or a holy-fire-guy-cleric that helps bolster the fight against the antags? And do you think that the thing chosen should be more exclusive to great RPers? or open, and easily joinable by anyone?

  13. I have a question for you guys. What are your thoughts on evil characters?

  14. No more rp threads from me, not a single finger I will move to write a single thing for you people.. like trully.. Old glory of Aegis / Asulon.. Nvm it just really.. MEH :I Saddend by what it has become..

  15. No matter who you are and what you have done in life, know that you will never be as sexy as Jason Momoa.

  16. I need a group to join

  17. Who's the self proclaimed leader of the Oren Adunians? We need to chat.

  18. My parents were killed by Wraiths.

  19. Things I hate: the welsh.

  20. I will state this, there is no rp reason to RAID an orphanage, to grief it, to kill everyone inside, and daily non the less. Continuation of this will end up in bans.

  21. So, if 4.0 Malinor will be in the style of Rivendell.. -Glares at Humans- Minas Tirith or Meduseld, pick one.

  22. sortedjarhead is a god

  23. Bring Boiendl Back 2014

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