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Everything posted by Pandan

  1. As far as I can tell, the first applications (aka: What I classify as LOTC's birthday) were accepted June 21st 2011. Anyone able to confirm/deny?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Textarea
    3. Pandan


      However that was before the server was actually live, people were only allowed on come June 12th!

    4. Textarea
  2. There is a current issue with connectivity in our ASHBURN, VA data center, we are working on this and it will be resolved ASAP.

  3. Forum rules are now under the rules tab, hope that helps!

  4. Application to our brand new wiki team is up! Apply if you wish too!

  5. Note: Do not raise complaints here, this is merely for the recommendations. Please use the feedback thread if you wish to do so. Good evening, LotC. So this is a spur of the moment idea that I've had to help address some of the concerns regarding of which YouTubers we may bring upon the server to help out with advertisement, etc. Now due to it being such a massive platform its often difficult to find some of the more niche channels and hence my calling out for your aid, if you believe you know of someone who will bring positive and mature players to the server fill out the format below! This shall hopefully enable us to gain a much more in depth list of those who may be more suited to the environment the server presents. Short and swift, and hopefully will enable us to bring the exposure you want to the server. Thanks, Dan.
  6. Small clarification; I've just moved a bunch of feedback regarding the recent controversy straight to noted. I feel the three most recent posts deal with the issue at hand, if you've further comments please feel free to submit feedback and I'll get back to you within the thread. 

  7. Due to the recent posts I won't be making an announcement one this time around. However congratulations to Disco, Geo and Nalatac for passing their trials and also to Wrynn and Aerial for receiving a trial this month!

    1. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      could've picked me, better memes It's to replace Cappy.

    2. Samoblivion


      Indeed, Aerial is known to delete threads critical of the staff without breaking any rules.

  8. After fiddling around with redstone and command blocks, the most recent warzone should now operate without GM intervention! Enjoy!

    1. DrakeHaze.
    2. mitto


      shoutout to my game that crashed instantly after logging on and getting 50 pms at once

  9. Ever considered GM? Get your app up before the 16th!

  10. Note: This is basically a rewrite for the arcane manifestation lore that was written by Moot. I recently wished to do events with them to find that they were boring, mindless beings looking for knowledge and fiddling with enchantments. To create something interesting from that is absurd, hence my re-creation of this for the purpose of events with greater player involvement. Oh, I also threw this together pretty quickly so just ask if anything seems to be written bizarrely. Arcane Revenants Gregory imbued the final enchantment, hands blaring with a coloured hue as the eldritch red flows deeply into the quartz pillar. The project had taken a number of months to complete with the construction of four obelisk’s within a single space and enchanters struck upon from every crevice of Vailor. Yet now, upon the final hour it was complete. For Gregory he had thought to have achieved the impossible; limitless mana and eternal life through a highly composed pulse of arcane energy inspired by the early work of Kalameet Izalith. However he was a conductor without a music sheet nor any control over his self-created orchestra, instead engaging himself with the delusion of power and fear over the succumbing age of his body. Without a single test and thoughts consumed with false-hope he sat between the obelisks as they hummed a low hue, each brick of stone cowering before the power trapped beneath them as they trembled and shook barely containing the arcanic authority within. The final enchant.The final link. Nothing. Greg stood, heart racing and eyes dancing around the room within confusion. Why didn’t it go off? What happened? Where is the expl- Before the finishing of thought a flash of light ruptured his vision and the entire body of Greg becomes a mangled array of flesh and bone as the power courses through him without even the slightest amount of resistance. Failure, death. He couldn’t even compensate the thought as they were ripped from him leaving little but a distant memory floating within the rippling abyss. Or, well. That is what would be presumed. Instead he awoke. Awoke within a room cursed with coloured crystals and broken earth. Frantically he looked around, patting down his body, cursing aloud. Failure. But, why is he alive? He knew the risk, the cost of subjecting his body to such raw domination from a source he knew little about. However living wasn’t an option. Something happened. “Gregory.” A voice muttered behind tone not unlike his own yet accompanied with a foreign, metallic ring. He’d turn to be greeted by a being of unimaginable composure, built from a raw red light resembling a vague overview of the human admiring his creation. Immediately he seemed to understand what had occurred as he and the being were not separate entities but a single. He felt the ravenous animation as it felt him. A mirror of his own soul constructed by the harsh potential thrown up within the lashing explosion, only imbued by the thahnium rich ground that surrounded his palace of creation. The Revenant This being is the reflection of the living native. Upon the rare occasion this reaction occurs the voidal explosion mimics the living being trapped inside, cloning the very substance that makes up the soul however with the voids capability and code. This causes the souls rendition of the being to be something different to a human, elf or orc and instead made from the power such as a voidal horror may be. The voids struggle to replicate bone, flesh and organs means it's forced to reconstruct everything from little more than mana, aura and an ever flowing connection to itself. A top all of this the being is an exact replica of the native at that time with any thoughts and memories present before now lurking within its own non-existent mind and fueling the persona it shall take upon. The being possess utmost knowledge of the void beyond any living being. Birthed from its womb the very nature of it flows within every crevice of its existence, it holds access to power previously unthought and combined with the limitless mana of being its vessel it shall not easily be slain. Nevertheless the constraints of the mortal realm do restrict its capability massively, only when being within the stratum lands can it be of full potential. The Hunger This would be the hidden drive, the motive, purpose. The hunger is in fact less a need and more so a means to avoid suffering. Every second the revenant exists within the mortal realm its battered by the forces most do not even realize exist nor can describe. It is shackled against a stone wall, beaten and left hungry.. drained. To exist in such a state would be painfully excruciating and you constantly look for a means out, a means of resolving and subverting the awful suffering you endure. Although not particularly evil within nature this drives the revenant to produce something known as the stratum lands. The Stratum Lands The stratum lands are that which the revenant attempts to create. They are places within the world in which the barrier between the voidal and mortal realm is broken and weakened, allowing more of its authority to flow through. Here the revenant can be comfortable; the battling forces of this plain it exists within becoming weakened and the more land cursed the greater his power becomes and the less he is under harm. This land isn’t safe, however. It does not allow life to flourish and causes sickness to those that would dare enter. It could be defined as a living entity, spread naturally and only fueled by the revenant to benefit itself. To say the least it is a threat to the mortal kind, evil by their standards yet to the revenant it's nothing more than a means to survival. For it the lands are a blessing, a feeding ground to sustain its unnatural self among a world of pain. The suffering it causes to others as it spreads and kills would be of little relevance to it, however once more this does not define the being as evil but merely inspired by a constant hunger of survival for it cannot end it otherwise. The Native The fractured being left behind as they’re thrashed with the explosive eldritch forces. The soul at this point has become entirely shattered and only sustained through the arcane acting as an adhesive for the many fragments that once were whole. Atop of this the native is sustained with a state of permanent, physical stasis. They do not age, nor have a heartbeat. They do not eat nor drink. The only progressive part of them involves non-physical processes such as the flow of mana, lifeforce of memory. How this occurs is beyond a mystery but presumed that due to the bond between the native and the revenant alongside the shattered soul it simply does not function like a normal being. Only when this state of stasis is ruptured through the stabbing of a blade, burning of skin, etc does progression continue as normal for the revenant allows it. The native is the weak spot, with the connection meaning not only do they share vague memories and emotional conscriptions but also pain and suffering. As the native becomes wounded the revenant feels it as he would, hence the need to repair itself. Should the native finally and somehow die, perhaps through a specifically designed enchant to cease the stasis from reoccurring the revenant would also suffer the same fate. The two are mirrored, connected. One cannot exist without the other, with the revenant requiring the delicate nature of a soul to the native needing the adhesive to keep his own together. OOC Bit: This is basically to not only provide greater player involvement with a revenant but also give them some form of weakness in the form of such. Usually evil beings are just spawned from nothing, no backstory. Progression. However this allows that, there is a clear PK clause for allowing yourself to become linked with a revenant however at the same time there is a benefit. Nevertheless they shouldn’t be a common occurrence, more so a nice little side thing.
  11. Today is the last chance to get up a GM application before the following month!

    1. lawnmowerman


      i am applying haha..

    2. Crowbill


      Yeah I don't think so...

  12. Believe you'd make a good GM? Apply before the 16th!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jonificus
    3. EmbryoGod


      I already did it coach!

    4. Angmarzku


      Go back to your burning lemons  in Aperture Science, Cave Johnson!

  13. Continuing with my mass spamming of the status feed. Get your GM apps up now!

    1. Jonificus


      *Sweats profusely in the hopes of being interviewed*

  14. Been considering GM? Trial interviews start this coming Monday so perhaps now is time to try!

    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      MMm, time to write up my application

  15. Remember come the 16th new trials are selected for GM. Get your apps up as soon as possible!

  16. Currently there is no lore approved means of long-range communication between mages.
  17. @Booklight @ShameJax We do actually wish to RP designing and creating the object instead of it just magically appearing out of thin air, allowing access for everyone to instantly use it sort of scraps that capability for this interesting RP. In the future however we'll look into expanding who can create them, etc.
  18. This isn't the new forums. Read the post!

  19. Just a reminder that no warclaims will be allowed next weekend due to Christmas. 

    1. Kim
    2. L0rdLawyer
    3. Skippy


      dang there goes our strategy

  20. Just a small notice: I receive daily anywhere between 5-10 PM's over the forums, I suggest trying to speak your issues with a GM as I commonly do not get back to people.

    1. Kilig


      no more happy little messages, people!

  21. All GM applications have been denied, please re-apply if you're still interested in the role!

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