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The Fact Core

Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by The Fact Core

  1. The pumpkins are ready to fight against the melons. All pumpkins to the weapons! All follow your generals to defeat the evil melon king! For Victory!

  2. How about a toilet plugin that makes you able to summon a toilet?

  3. Thank you freya, ever and jistuma for the help of removing kastoria. Love you all ^.^

    1. JtPv


      rip in pieces kastoria

    2. Ever
  4. A hidden chest with 1 stack of iron is hidden somewhere on the map. Now go hungry mens! Find it!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eetswa


      Not even amused.

    3. V0idsoldier


      But if you take it you will be banned and revoked lol

    4. seannie


      I have hidden chest filled with iron hidden everywhere lel

  5. Undead Druid Squad GO!

    1. Ender_Panda13


      So...dead trees? walking talking dead trees?

  6. Oooh, i'm building a real ghost/ monster house. Muhaha

  7. My own Graven is totally friendly and he can't harm anyone, not even other ghosts or gravens. Just a super hippie. Hunter is a neutral Graven, friendly to the living but hates the undead.
  8. And the world said, no.

  9. If you look into the eyes, directly into the eyes of a graven. It will take only few emotes (3-4) to make you mad. You can avoid to look into the eyes of course. But once you stare, it's hard to go away from the stare. If you meet a friendly graven (Very rare this days :3 ), they will mostly never stare into your eyes because they would avoid it themselfs. Oh and about Hunter, why not write a specific lore about Hunter? That he is somehow a "special" kind of Graven and show it Supremacy etc.
  10. If you read this, you can't read.

  11. Ha Ha! I love my cookie

  12. I really like this idea about walking plants and it could be a enjoyable Event. But one question, for what do you need builders for, what should they build?
  13. Where is my apple soup?

  14. The time will come, where i use my awesome super Heavy Avatar...the face of justice!

  15. DOORS

    1. mmat


      These better be the doors I think they are.

  16. I want to see dwarves are riding on ponies! Because horses are too big for tiny men :3

    1. gingernut97


      *tiny fat men :3

    2. Ender_Panda13


      This will be a problem though...Dwarves are too small for normal horses, but weigh too much for ponies to handle...

      My solution:

      Midget Klindsdales, which as you know are the strongest breed of horse.

      it will be like a more manly My Little Pony.

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