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Everything posted by Trips

  1. Why can't we simply think of Aeldin as a place we can't go to, as of now? Just like the Fringe, it could be a temporary map in the future. Just like Black Marsh in Elder Scrolls, it exsists, but you can't go there. Why is it so hard to think that? It feels like the LM team have an unquenchable hate for this place, always denying it's exsistence - never thinking of reviewing the lore. But well, that's just how I've seen it, don't mind me. Also, the lore's great swagr - as always.
  2. If anything speaks more about the community's opinion on the "two important returns" - it's probably the playercount.

  3. Why doesn't the reintroduced VA actually provide anything? It only takes away from RP. If you want to see good villains, give them a reason to be feared - - - Let's get lockpicking back, and terrorism without OOC consent.

  4. The VA's are a huge waste of time. Maybe I'll do it later, but right now it just seems way too much effort for something that.. keeps my character alive. gg ayy lmao

  5. Application OOC MCname: Triplewing IC Name: Ayl'mao Keke Age: 22 Race: Black High Elf
  6. Given Name: Zaviel True Name (MC Name): Triplewing (Skype Name): itriplewing Race? Wood elf / Easterner Doth ye aspire the path of The Knight, The Mechanist or The Magician?: Magician Doth ye solemnly swear to protect your Crimson Heart brethren? Fo sho' (im already in the skype chat etc, posted just for roster purposes)
    1. J


      Allahu Fishbar. Get it, because it's a bar...? And there's fish...?

      Heh... Heh...

      And I feel proud I made those fishies bounce C:

    2. _Jandy_
  7. Otherwise good, but thaumaturgy is alteration.
  8. cmon sky why do you hate this so bad? this is good lore and should totes be accepted +1
  9. http://gyazo.com/8b981faec4cb525081163e0d771ee72a Ayy lmao, 30 down, over 500 to go! A little update on the character compilation.
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Stephensj


      what if im banned. just pm you and desc?

    3. Trips


      just send me a render of your skin in pm's

    4. TavernLich


      thanks for resizing my swag Lich and his crown!

  10. http://gyazo.com/94a7e4b1ef32991a2c9ccf54448c8934 Gonna draw AAAAALLLL the characters. 5 min each, holla at me on the forums to be added if I don't add you randomly yo.
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Joe_Blackman


      Do your boy Kain, you know he got more swag than you.

    3. Joe_Blackman
    4. Archbishop


      Add Mukar please c:

  11. Release The Jew!

  12. My vote is for another plague aswell! Me and my squad never got infected and the RP was so much fun in my opinion.
  13. Conjurationists should hold pokemon-like battles.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tom_Whiteman
    3. TavernLich


      Lol, seed offs. Druids be like: YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!1111!!!!!!1111!!!!!111

    4. kingnothing


      i'd watch a seed off ;-;

  14. What does Arcane Evocation taste like?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Joe_Blackman


      ^ magic creativity killer!!!!!

    3. BrandNewKitten


      As the lore holder of it I must offer facts! You also can't eat t! You would cause internal damage!!! Arcane biscuits = arcane stomach aches

    4. Trips


      Who said anything about eating it? I'll just lick it like an arcane popsicle.

  15. Trips

    Phrases And Idioms

    Fixed and added some. I'll just update it whenever this thread has more stuff.
  16. Phrases and Idioms Phrases and idioms are something that can improve your dialogue, and make your character's way of speaking much more immersive. We may not even notice it when we use them in our speech in the real world, but this is Athera and we barely use any, so instead I got this idea of creating a small thread of phrases, sayings, slang and idioms. This could basically be our 'urban dictionary' to add to the spoken common of our LotC universe.. The purpose is for these phrases to be commonly used, if they aren't already, known by anyone. Added Elven and Adunian phrases too. Shoutout to Sporadic & Chikaea for them List in the spoiler: What the hell In use: "What in the Nether is that man doing?" Same as for Christ's sake or Heaven's sake, you get the idea. In use: "For Creator's sake, Jonas, what are you trying to achieve with that?" "Get out of Petrus, for Horen's sake, this isn't a place for bandits like you! Ginger, redhead In use: John gestures towards the redheaded mali sitting in back of the room. "Who's the elrow in the back?" Easterner In use: "The slanties have begun whaling in the Waldenian waters, or so I hear.." Crazy, insane In use: Jess glanced past her shoulder towards a hooded man, her face turning slightly pale as she whispered to her friend; "That man.. I've seen him before.. I swear he's touched by Ikuras.." Acting like you own the city when you don't In use: "What is that mali'aheral hattering for in Petrus? This is Petrus for Creator's sake!" Being ridiculously arrogant, narcissistic In use: "The maer went full-aheral yesterday in his speech.." Acting superior to others In use: "Why would he start white-rosing like that? It's not like he's any better than us!" Busting his balls, acting massively stupid and hot headed. In use: "Did you see James after that stranger kissed his wife? Man.. he was really Ologing it..." You're asking for trouble In use: "Excuse me, where can I find the Iblees cultists?" "You're giving gunpowder to a dwarf lad, and it's not worth it." Used to describe a young mali that has lived less than a century, or one acting in an immature and rash manner. ​In use: "Do not mind Celestrea, she is still living her human years." Have hope, cheer up ​In use: "It's no use worrying about it now, the sun will grow." He said to the mourning widow, along with a gentle pat on her head. Life goes on ​In use: "How could he leave me like this?" She sobbed quietly "I'm sorry Lana, but the wind travels and travels again. There're plenty of other guys." To make a fool out of yourself ​In use: "For Horen's sake Jeremy, you need to stop acting the fish in the court!" He told his misbehaving son. 'Good luck' or perhaps 'well said' ​In use: "I'm going to see the casino, Hoyt!" "A mina to you, my friend!" Hoyt chuckled, as he waved to his friend in farewell. Tell the truth ​In use: When the pigs fly, something that most certainly won't happen ​In use: "I think Oren will re-unite peacefully now.." "Oren? Hah! Yeah by the orc calendar!" To be exhausted ​In use: Jawnes slumps down a chair: "Can we not today, I'm a horse by the ninth mile.." The straw that broke the camel's back, the final limit of capacity including patience. ​In use: "This medicine cabinet is perfect as is, another vial would be the gem that overflowed the dwarven vault.." Said the maid after re-arranging everything in the cabinet. To force an idea on someone ​In use: I don't care ​In use: "Did you hear? The Mages Guild has a new archmage!" "I'm sure surprised.." Speak of the devil ​In use: "The guardsmen of this town are a joke, I mean-" He paused suddenly, lowering his tone. "..when you speak of the birds.." He whispers, glancing at the guardsman who walked past with an obvious drunken swagger in his steps.
  17. 1+ The lore itself is solid and everything makes sense, but I don't understand why this should be a locked creature to the ET when actually played? Wouldn't a permission be enough for a normal player to play this considering you have to give up a character regardless?
  18. This could be what allows 'death regions'
  19. Around 15 minutes for next episodes? Is it okay to call them episodes? Chapters? Pictures? You get what I'm saying. www.tinyurl.com/starsoftheswamp

  20. www.tinyurl.com/starsoftheswamp

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