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Status Updates posted by Detective

  1. Any recommendations for what kind of small revolver I /could/ get on Christmas?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rassidic


      Something in 22. would be your best bet for a small kick at best. Perhaps get a derringer or something more classy , like a replica flintlock or pepperbox?

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Have you shot revolvers before? If you're comfortable a .357 is always a fan favorite but if not Mr. Prince I'd say is right with the .22

    4. Detective
  2. What is the best time to go to bed on a Sunday?

  3. I am sleeping, working for fourteen hours and making 30 bucks isn't worth the money. ;-;

    1. bickando


      30 an hour or 30 every 14 hours?

    2. Tefzors


      30 for 14hours is not even worth it at all

  4. Writing my poem for the Literature Contest, taking soooo long ;-;

  5. Was having fun peeling my taters, till my mom found I was putting smiley faces in them.

  6. One does not simply, write here without a meme to go with it.

  7. Meanwhile typing in What's Up?'

  8. High Elves hate pork? Wat...

  9. Heh, got a couple good mates to help my brother and I make some cool 2-3 real life videos, its even being funded for by a Movie actor!

  10. Celtic music all day every day!

  11. Skeleton: "Why won't you die?!" The Canadian God: Becuase I'm Canadian. Logic. http://gyazo.com/478ed0dcc7b5ecf99e7913dd9591c29c (Sorry for posting twice, I forgot to add the linky.

  12. Skeleton: "Why won't you die?!" The Canadian God: Becuase I'm Canadian. Logic.

  13. Back from the dentist... and he gave me a plate.

  14. I don't feel good today, I might not be on much ...@.@

    1. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      I would heal you.. but im outta mana..

  15. Pro tip: Never dunk donuts in your tea.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Detective


      Nah, trust me that's a lie. @.@

    3. Kemp


      You're supposed to eat the donut and tea separate like you do with any other drink and food. Never dunk.

    4. Lima


      Surelock if your in any means english I shall have you deported for this.

  16. Lel best part of being a Cerviatuar is when you are kill then skinned naked and sold off..

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Fimlin


      *heavy breathing*

    3. Space


      RP /is/ RP, but there has to be a line between just being a **** to a playerbase and maintaining a 'genuine' RP environment.

    4. W4hammer


      Tell me where you are don't wory I won't hurt you *Sharpens his axe*

  17. There can only be one...cup of coffee.

  18. Life? What is that...oh right.

  19. Still waiting for this App, this is the hardest part.

    1. Kim


      Check your skype if you're referring to us 6:!

    2. Detective


      Skype got nothing yet, soooo meh.

    3. Detective


      ..Wait, were you the person from taxes? If so, I'm sorry for blocking you, I get these random people that try to friend me and send me bad stuff over skype!

  20. Its nice to go to bed and you have something to look forward to, like controlling your dreams.

  21. Oh okay, misspell

  22. Oh okay Civinaurs.

  23. There are many paths to choose, but in the end we choose to pick the one that we think is the least hardest. Why?

    1. AGiantPie


      Because efficiency!

    2. Hiebe


      Cause humans are lazy fuckz, there are a few who taken the path least taken and they get the much reward

    3. excited


      The seemingly short cut to success is the one that allows immediate happiness, but long term struggle

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