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About mitto

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    my slime
  • Birthday 06/10/1998

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  1. giving AT fly and vanish is like giving a child a gun, they're not responsible enough.

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    2. ShameJax


      Oh yeah I know. It's obvious they don't want the pex to help any job, as they barely help new players as is.

    3. Bvie


      There are/were some AT that actually would be able to handle it and use it to assist new players. But like you said, ET can barely be trusted not to abuse it.


      Put in the right hands, it could be a great help. Put in the wrong hands, aboooose.

    4. mitto


      Not to bash on Ski's team idea of basically recruiting newer players onto the team to prove themselves, when you do that you need to keep the temptation to abuse low, or what you're going to have are a lot of new players constant;y abusing on a bigger team harder to manage. What happens is yo join the WT or the AT, you prove yourself as a trustworthy player, then you get a higher position.

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