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Status Replies posted by Katherine1

  1. You know, I don't get why people want the undead back other then purely nostalgia. From what I've heard, they are everything people complain about the current antag being, whether founded or not. OP? Very. Spam Magic? Yup. Victories and Losses scripted by the staff? All the time. How is that fun?

  2. You know, I don't get why people want the undead back other then purely nostalgia. From what I've heard, they are everything people complain about the current antag being, whether founded or not. OP? Very. Spam Magic? Yup. Victories and Losses scripted by the staff? All the time. How is that fun?

  3. You know, I don't get why people want the undead back other then purely nostalgia. From what I've heard, they are everything people complain about the current antag being, whether founded or not. OP? Very. Spam Magic? Yup. Victories and Losses scripted by the staff? All the time. How is that fun?

  4. You know, I don't get why people want the undead back other then purely nostalgia. From what I've heard, they are everything people complain about the current antag being, whether founded or not. OP? Very. Spam Magic? Yup. Victories and Losses scripted by the staff? All the time. How is that fun?

  5. I feel like the council of the north should have had a set time...

  6. The originality of the groups defending against the Antagonist is overwhelming.

  7. Bladud's gonna be executed and my 11 year old's gonna be the chieftain.

  8. The official of Lady Regent Leana, Head of House Stafyr -

  9. http://gyazo.com/ac5c3c31af862fc07bbced03b8f6c2df rip danny goat 2013-2013 you were the best goat I never wanted to take care of

  11. Thanks so much for showing your support community! You guys are awesome haha, trust me, this ain't even close to the end. Staff is working hard to meet ends, we will have the server up soon-ish. x3

  12. I'm not surprised, but I am curious as to what finally triggered this 'cataclysm'. I wonder if I get to say, I told you so, yet...

  13. *does damage control*

  14. [2:28:40 AM] Nathan / Bircalin: "We got another female initiate today. Not that I'm against it, but 80% of the Lumi is female." http://goo.gl/3TKqa

  15. [2:28:40 AM] Nathan / Bircalin: "We got another female initiate today. Not that I'm against it, but 80% of the Lumi is female." http://goo.gl/3TKqa

  16. Decided on playing a Halfling aspiring to become a druid! (TotallynotcopyingMilo)

  17. Do you think the manual download for the new update is something people want, or is Mojang just being pure lazy?

  18. Well, my druid has been told to seek basic medical training outside of the order. Who to go bother...

  19. Are there any books on basic cryptography IG? If not, I may write one...

  20. *updates to look at the horses in single player. ;~;

  21. Warning, do not update to 1.6. LotC is not updating yet.

  22. So if one wanted to kill all the monks of the Cloud Temple.. How would they?

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