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Status Replies posted by Katherine1

  1. Offering to MPM enable people's skins. PM me if interested.

  2. I'll be MIA for the next 2-4 days. Computer in the shop for repairs ^^ Take care folks, don't get into too much trouble.

  3. Is the macro mod an allowed mod on LOTC? I would love to bind /walk and /hide to keys :3

  4. I like the new plugin ^.^

  5. I will be offline for a period of either one week, or one month. Bai Guys

  6. I will be offline for a period of either one week, or one month. Bai Guys

  7. wat is the best wood elf town

  8. Anybody have a map of Anthos I can have a look at? Keen to see the locations of everything :)

  9. Looking for a job sucks... :/

  10. And so Kalenz revived the racist army which had not been seen since Asulon. Nelecar's legacy lives!


  12. First person to name the place gets a hug! http://imgur.com/YQQ8ByU

  13. One of Leyun's closest friends in the druids just got shunned. Yikes.

  14. Hardest part of the Va...waiting for the virdict

  15. Long day today! Polygon regions are much easier than I had expected, lol. Night night, server. Tomorrow I force myself to learn to skin.

  16. Apparently some players on LotC believe them self to be far too fantastically amazing to even affiliate their character with someone out of their little clique.

  17. Night night, server.

  18. Mmmm dat feels. http://i.imgur.com/Hg77y1L.jpg It isn't very good but I dun have photoshop ._.

  19. Who steals from a dryad, seriously? At least they were incompetent enough to die at the entrance to my burrow. Free stone tools!

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