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Status Replies posted by Katherine1

  1. Poor Pooh. ;w;

  2. Bah, whats with all this Pokemon and Digimon scrap? Where's all the Fire Emblem?

  3. Digimon is better then pokemon. There I said it

  4. Digimon is better then pokemon. There I said it

  5. Whats up with these Creepers...?

  6. >: what should I do. am bored.

  7. I may have built Rapture in LOTC. http://i.imgur.com/1yAOtiph.jpg

  8. Why must the best roleplay happen at 3 in the morning. ;-;

  9. Why must the best roleplay happen at 3 in the morning. ;-;

  10. Got a new custom sky for minecraft! http://i.imgur.com/U0ettmU.png

  11. Sometimes I look back, at the ones I've accepted. The ones I've denied. Decisions, always decisions. Did I make the right ones? In the end, were all the hours even worth it? Have I made these thousands of lives better, or worse? Then I go to bed.

  12. People generally assume elves are super attractive... but what if I told you they had several rows of shark-like teeth, tentacles, and hypnotized all you fools into believing they were super bootiful?

  13. Why are the human kingdoms still separate?

  14. Posts about high elven genocide = publicity. Publicity = more new players. Post about high elven genocide = counterintuitive

  15. . . . Ever. What the hell is your forum pic. I've seen it a billion times on here, and never bothered asking.

  16. Playing LoTC with cartoon shaders is kinda cool

  17. People who play child characters: We are gathering for WORLD DOMINATION. Give us your skype names to join our chat :3

  18. All of you Child RP'ers PM me through the forums with yo skype names!

  19. All of you Child RP'ers PM me through the forums with yo skype names!

  20. Some self reflections and realization-A while ago I found myself hating the High Elves and avoiding them for "bad RP." After interacting with Kalenz and other High Elves I realise that my own OOC feelings or doubts prevented such a good friendship with fine RPers. Perhaps the same can be said for other races.

  21. Don't build anything major till the rollbacks have stopped!

  22. You know, I don't get why people want the undead back other then purely nostalgia. From what I've heard, they are everything people complain about the current antag being, whether founded or not. OP? Very. Spam Magic? Yup. Victories and Losses scripted by the staff? All the time. How is that fun?

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