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Status Replies posted by Rassidic

  1. Images won't work on the forums anymore. Any fixes?

  2. I don't want to clog up another pointless post, so have a statement instead, A few months ago I siad I was going away, this was duo to illness, not a nice subject though at the time I was not one for sharing it now i'm just glad to get back into touch with you guys. Please Love me

  3. I got every Assassins creed game up to Black Flag. Should I play Assassin's creed from the beginning, or does it matter if I play something out of order?

  4. Here's a question for you. Why does the population only substantially rise during wartime? Why do people only log in during war? Is their only source of enjoyment wartime and PVP?

  5. Ladies and Gentlemen, the grand opening midnight release of Child Pendants coming to a capital city near you!

  6. Whats on your mind right now?

  7. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/126655-berilac-i-goldworthys-app/#entry1217765 I can't get over this application some one help me its so good aahhhhhhh
  8. Thanks to scaremongering and scorched earth tactics, not to mention Murdoch doing his best to split the vote apart in Scotland, we now have a Conservative government. Say hello to a privatised NHS and disability benefit cuts, not to mention foodbanks and tax cuts for the rich. It was all worth it though right?

  9. UK Elections tomorrow, fml

  10. I have Crusader Kings II, but the tutorial keeps turning me off. Is there some "CKII For Dummies" that isn't some 4 pt 15 minute segment youtube set?

  11. This just in: The Republic of Alras and the Kingdom of Skravia have united to form the Empire of Carpathia

  12. Everything after season 3 has been a mess. Season 5 deviates so much from the book, it is a new story.

  13. Wouldn't it be nice if personas could become members in one city/nation plot and members/owners of their own nexus plot? Might solve some of the city emptiness that currently plagues us.

  14. Anyone recommend Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition on Steam? Does it work fine?


  16. everyone is a nob. especially you


  18. Skyrim mods are now behind a paywall. Wat.

  19. may the Yorkshire hegemony prosper....

  20. on all levels but physical, i am a wolf

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