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Everything posted by z3m0s

  1. Bro did you read my app and post this. . . Good move, take the initiative, that's leadership material baby Sorry I'm hijacking this one cause I wanna answer and I have a Matta related answer! For me the golden ages were when Rocky was ET Lead, he had some of the coolest event lines I've ever been apart of with some of the most in depth story. Very very cool times, I miss those days heavily, always thought his creativity was wasted on Moderation.
  2. Fascinating, I appreciate you sharing! I don't believe the wiki even states how your fall to the dark came about, only that it happened after a disagreement with the guild, making Cataris look like far more of a bad guy than it seems in reality he was. These little intricacies always fascinate me about stories before my time, there's always so much more nuance than is written for the history books. I appreciate you sharing very much and wish you all the best. The offer to welcome your return is always open!
  3. Good to see you return! As a now long running leader of The Mages Guild, I thought I recognized your name! The history books (AKA the wiki) only usually tell one side of the story. I'd love to hear more about your original days in the guild, alongside the Cataris Treachery! Alongside any golden days of powerful magical events or creations that stick in your mind! P.S You're always welcome back if you ever wanna RP again, would be good to have another Aussie around.
  4. "It does my old eyes well to see the youth of my kin creating for themselves. . . I will watch this space with great anticipation"
  5. OOOOOO great recommendation! I'll definitely be adding that both to list and to my personal MC! Thank you!
  6. Yeah you right homie, I formatted it all nicely and when I pasted it here it just all went to all unformulated black text💀so I just did the minimum and left it for the night cause I was busted down sexual style. Should be much better now! Something I actually love about Prism is you can just toggle between with Java version you wanna use once you've got both on your PC. So when I launch up an older MC version it'll be like "Oop, you ain't got the right java" and you can just go into the settings, under a java tab, auto detect all versions on your pc, and quick swap like THAT, love it! GREAT CALL PAN! I actually had this on my list but somehow it slipped through the cracks, I'll be adding it shortly, appreciate you!
  7. Looking for 1.18.2 mods? Check out my post here for the easiest modding experience ever 👍


  8. I couldn't say for sure, but I don't believe it's got a Fabric fork, so alternatives are used for Fabric versions atm.
  9. This is a no frills guide to improving your minecraft roleplaying experience. This will be utilizing both the Prism Launcher for massively ease of use minecraft playing of all versions and types, I highly recommend looking into this despite whether you wish to mod your LOTC experience or not. Here’s the official website and all the info you need along with the download link: https://prismlauncher.org/ Part of the massive convenience of Prism apart from managing multiple different minecraft versions with ease, is the mod implementation. You can simply edit a selected MC version and select the mods tab to search Modrinth and Curseforge from within Prism to find any mods you need, along with being able to view the most popular mods on each platform there. Alongside this it’ll also preview the mod page for you, so remember to check for required mods before selecting them for installation. Once you’ve found what you’re looking for, it automatically finds a compatible version of the mod you’re looking at, and you can simply click “Select mod for download”. You can do this with multiple mods at once, though of course I recommend pacing yourself there so if you run into any problems, you’re not having to troubleshoot a massive list of mods to work out the issue. In saying that, when launching, if it’s a simple mod incompatibility or a missing dependent mod, Prism can often detect this and will let you know the reason for it failing to launch. You can enable and disable mods from the list once you’ve downloaded some of them, and you can also “Check for Updates” down the line to see if there’s anything new waiting for you. THE POG /MOD LIST Or Pogmod for short I’m going to do my best to break up the list into three categories. Essential, optimal, and luxury. Essential being mods I recommend everybody run, these are mostly quality of life and performance mods. Optimal, which are less necessary, but nice to have mods. And Luxury, which will consist of performance intensive roleplay enhancing mods. These aren’t necessarily most important to least, but I’ve tried to keep it roughly consistent. Remember if you’re utilizing Prism Launcher you won’t need to individually download and place mods in your mod folder, the links are purely for your information (Or if you don’t wanna use Prism for some reason) PLEASE CHECK FOR MOD DEPENDENCIES WHEN INSTALLING If you are skipping ahead: I recommend Prism Launcher for ease of installation as mentioned above Essential Mods Sodium - Sodium is a free and open-source rendering optimization mod. https://modrinth.com/mod/sodium Krypton - A mod to optimize the Minecraft networking stack. https://modrinth.com/mod/krypton LazyDFU - LazyDFU is an optimization mod for Minecraft. https://modrinth.com/mod/lazydfu Logical Zoom - Scrollable Zoom mod for different Magnifications up to 50x. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/wi-zoom Entity Culling - Uses async path-tracing to hide Tiles/Entities that are not visible. https://github.com/tr7zw/EntityCulling Fabric API - Essential Mod for many fabric mods https://modrinth.com/mod/fabric-api Conectivity Mod - Lightweight mod which solves several connection problems like Login-Timeouts, DecoderException, Packet size limits, Ghostblock issues, Payload too large and more. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/connectivity Smooth Boot (Reloaded) - Smooth Boot makes Minecraft load smoother and possibly faster by editing some parameters related to executors. https://modrinth.com/mod/smoothboot-fabric Borderless Mining - Borderless Mining changes the fullscreen option to use a borderless window that fills the screen. This allows you to have Minecraft open on one monitor, while using other programs on another monitor. https://modrinth.com/mod/borderless-mining Tweakeroo - Tweakeroo is a client-side mod, which adds a whole bunch of various different "tweaks" to the game. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/tweakeroo Appleskin - Adds various food-related HUD improvements. https://modrinth.com/mod/appleskin Mod Menu - Better Mod Menu https://modrinth.com/mod/modmenu Jade - Shows what you’re looking at, Hwyla/Waila for modern Minecraft versions. https://modrinth.com/mod/jade Amecs - Amecs is a mod that tries to improve your keyboard immersion. Therefore it introduces several modifier keys (alt, control and shift) for now to give you a larger variety to chose from when making keybindings. https://modrinth.com/mod/amecs Advanced Chat - A mod that allows for tons of customization for your chat! https://modrinth.com/mod/advancedchat Autorun - A simple utility mod that toggles walking through a configurable keybinding. https://modrinth.com/mod/autorun ToolTipFix - Stops tooltips that are too large to fit on the screen from running off the screen. https://modrinth.com/mod/tooltipfix Tooltip Text Scroller - For when ToolTipFix still isn’t. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fabric-tooltip-texts-scroller Inventory Sorter - Quick, simple, and lightweight Inventory sorter built for Fabric https://modrinth.com/mod/inventory-sorting Slot Lock - Stops you from dropping important RP Items https://modrinth.com/mod/slotlock Better Controls - Useful additional keybinds https://modrinth.com/mod/better-controls Giselbaers Durability Viewer - Item and Armor Durability HUD Display https://modrinth.com/mod/durabilityviewer Mouse Tweaks - Mouse Tweaks replaces the standard RMB dragging mechanic, adds two new LMB dragging mechanics and an ability to quickly move items with the scroll wheel. https://modrinth.com/mod/mouse-tweaks Inventory HUD+ - Useful HUD Options https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/inventory-hud-forge Enchantment Descriptions - Explains what enchants do (Less relevant for LOTC) https://modrinth.com/mod/enchanting-table-descriptions Extra Sounds - Adds more sounds to Minecraft, like sounds when you scroll the hotbar, the creative inventory, pick up or place items in inventories, and more! https://modrinth.com/mod/extrasounds LOTC Magic Box - Our very own MOD! And from the wonderful @Java17this mod adds easily configurable keybinds for common LOTC functions and displays a tooltip when they're available. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/lotc-magic-box Optimal Mods Journey Map - Real-time mapping in game or in a web browser as you explore. https://modrinth.com/mod/journeymap 3D Skin Layer - Replaces the usually flat second layer of player skins with a 3d modeled version. https://modrinth.com/mod/3dskinlayers Full Brightness Toggle - Full Brightness Toggle is a client-side mod which allows players to instantly turn the brightness (gamma) to full with the press of a button. https://modrinth.com/mod/full-brightness-toggle Replanter - Right click replant for crops (Less relevant for LOTC) https://modrinth.com/mod/replanter Shulker Tooltip - Have you ever wanted to see what's in a shulkerbox without placing it down to open it? With Shulker Tooltip you can! Move your cursor over a shulkerbox to see what's inside. https://modrinth.com/mod/shulker-tooltip Lamb Dynamic Lights - Optifine style Dynamic Lighting but better https://modrinth.com/mod/lambdynamiclights Luxury Mods Iris - A modern shaders mod for Minecraft intended to be compatible with existing OptiFine shader packs https://github.com/IrisShaders/Iris Fabric SkyBoxes - This mod allows specification of custom skyboxes, with any textures that you may want. You can even specify textures already in Minecraft's resources! https://modrinth.com/mod/fabricskyboxes First Person Model - Enables the third-person Model in first-person, so you can experience Minecraft from Steve's real perspective. https://modrinth.com/mod/first-person-model Not Enough Animations - This mod brings a lot of missing third-person animations from the first-person or modifies them to be better representative to how they should look like or look like in the first-person. https://modrinth.com/mod/not-enough-animations Falling Leaves - Adds a neat little particle effect to leaf blocks. https://modrinth.com/mod/fallingleaves Cyber’s Better Animal Models - Cool custom animal models https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/better-animal-models Better Third Person - Adds independent rotation of the camera from a third person view. https://modrinth.com/mod/better-third-person Figura - A fully clientside Minecraft Java mod that allows you to customize your player model! https://modrinth.com/mod/figura Sound Physics Remastered - A Minecraft mod that provides realistic sound attenuation, reverberation, and absorption through blocks. https://modrinth.com/mod/sound-physics-remastered Better Foliage - Makes the vegetation in your world more natural and awesome https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/better-foliage Dynamic Surroundings: Resurrected - Dynamic Surroundings alters the player’s visual and audible experience in Minecraft and does not alter game mechanics. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/dynamic-surrounding-resurrected Bobby - Bobby is a Minecraft mod which allows for render distances greater than the server's view-distance setting. https://modrinth.com/mod/bobby Special Mention WorldEditCUI - Visual representation for World Edit selection, an invaluable tool for all staff members / builders https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/worldeditcui Litematica - Fabric version of Schematica for pasting builds https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/litematica -=- Hope this helped you out, comment below if you need a hand with anything, or if you’ve got any recommendations to add to the list! Happy gaming.
  10. aPpLy FoR mOd 🤪


  11. Hope you party at Prom for eternity brother, rest easy.

  12. [!] Another day came and went, the likes of which no different than the last few hundred thousand or more. Within the darkness sat a marred dwarf, silent and unwavering in his pursuit of enlightenment, deeply concentrated in search of a tranquil state as the many priests and serfs continued their works around him, chanting echoing throughout the high halls amongst his candle lit meditation. "My lord. . . A letter" a meek voice spoke, planting the scroll before the dwarf before quickly disappearing back into the darkness of the faint light. [!] With a deep breath did the concentration end. An ancient grasp falling upon the scroll for a time. "Long gone hath my service ended. . . Yet still my heart belongs to you mother, what little light remains within me bears your name. . . I only wish I could apologize for my transgressions. Blinded by my rage I lost sight of your love, I lost sight of the path. . . And still I am lost." his stony exterior cracked and broke for a time as he pondered his words, a singular tear leaking from his cold form onto the marble beneath him, unseen within the darkness. Long gone was his peace, long gone was his light, tranquility unobtainable no longer.
  13. Thank god, I hated killing people! In all seriousness this is valid and needed, thank you! My only way around this was to offer RP gift items to people I'd killed as souvenirs in exchange for their soul fragments.
  14. I personally think Housemagery is an insult to the void, and we should bring back the kinda generic voidal magic every mage had access to outside of combat that allowed for flavor like whisking up brooms to clean the home, or waving a hand to ignite the fireplace! TLDR: I think you should expand this into a series of generic flavorful abilities accessible by all voidal magi
  15. I think the move is drop the st item requirement from golems and any other CA since they're already ST approved, and put the hard cap of creation on Atronachs that golems have as was suggested above.
  16. An Arcanium Atronach Limb giving people T5 magic is a bit much imo
  17. Hey! Sorry, timezones, yeah so in my editing I seemed to of removed the base requirements for Hard Sculpting, but they're added back now, so you'll need two magi and a greater source as a base, and I believe in general redlines it has a list of "greater" sources, basically just an obelisk, voidstalker, hearth, tear, etc etc
  18. I like this, I'll edit it down to two additional lesser enchantments.
  19. Ah, I thought I had set them to white, I have a dark filter on my webpage so they were white for me, my bad, I'll change em. Four enchantments in total, but outside of the T5 enchantment, they're only small utility spells, which I didn't think were that big of a deal personally, just sort of non-combatively useful flavor there originally for people to have magelights in their house and light fires quickly etc. Perhaps I used the wrong terminology, I don't remember the name for the weakest tier of enchants off the top of my head if they're no longer referred to as lesser enchants. I considered making it exclusively require arcanium so it had rolls as a precursor, but I wasn't sure if that'd be too exclusive for lesser magi yet to learn of Arcanium forging. This is why I put up questions though, do you think one would be more suitable? Would exclusively making the hard sculpted items require arcanium (have rolls as a precursor) be more suitable? P.S: The single person creation on Hard-Sculpting is an oversight and has been edited, thanks for that!
  20. Arcane Sculpting Whereas the magi of yore once conjured domes to defend cities, and harnessed pure beams of arcane energy to smite their foes, such potent arts have been lost to the annals of time, whisked away from the world at the fickle whim of the void. Nonetheless, attempts to recover such an art has been the aspiration of many magi since then, seeking once more to harness the esoteric force known as Arcanism to fuel their profound machinations. Such was the work of a small congregation of magi in the realm of Almaris, who in their desire to reattain the great works of Rivel, brought forth an art similar to that which had been lost. This, Arcane Sculpting, was the sculpting of mana to form objects of pure evoked energy, allowing mages to employ the art of "Arcanism" in their artificery’s. Explanation Arcane Sculpting is the process of altering and sculpting liquid mana to create a solid in which can be used to shape into a variety of things. This process enables the magi to form all manner of art, furniture, and even tools and weaponry by means of artificery. Arcane Sculpting requires a valid Transfiguration MA. Arcane Sculpting can be self-taught upon reaching T5 in Transfiguration. While sometimes contending with the likes of the more strenuous abilities to learn within Transfiguration, it doesn’t overreach similar study times to firmly grasp the ability to Sculpt the Arcane. One needs only a firm grasp upon the many concepts of transfiguration before first learning it, enabling one to teach themselves at T5 Transfiguration over the span of at least one IRL week, though likely over the course of multiple lessons. The process can at first be exhausting, though it may become more familiar over time, the ceilings of creation limitless. Altering and Sculpting Liquid Mana The process of altering Liquid Mana is a rather simple but tedious one for that of an experienced Alterationist, able to be done alone, with the aid of a greater source of mana (Obelisk, Tear, etc), or within a group for a greater outcome. Concentration is essential for this process, for should one's attention falter, it would sour the mana, using too much of its resource without completing the transition leaving it almost entirely useless. Its basics consist of utilizing Liquid Mana, whether conjured by the user or procured at an earlier time to fortify its state from a liquid to a solid via the Alter Density spell. Once the solidifying process has begun it is now ready for it to be molded to take the form of the casters will. This process often results in the Arcane Sculpture taking the color of the caster or lead casters’ aura, some finding the sculpture even pulsed this color. As the mana is woven into a solid form, the mage may begin to shape it as they wish, binding it as either Soft or Hard Sculpted Mana as expanded upon below. Soft Sculpting Soft-Sculpted Mana is generally much more malleable and translucent, ideal for basic enchantments or shapes, such as a vase, a hovering light, a musical instrument, or other artistic and aesthetic objects. In most cases It has the general consistency and durability of regular glass, and thus, may be shattered with relative ease, making it less than ideal for combat weight bearing objects. Soft-sculpted mana can appear with fine detail, though any visible “sharp” points would not do much to cause damage even if it was deliberately used to do such, at most only scraping against the skin, resulting in breaking itself. Finally, the process of altering soft Mana can also be elongated to create a liquid form much like its original appearance, capable of being utilized similarly in artistic and aesthetic objects, manipulated to appear thicker or more translucent alike it’s more solid counterpart, though it’s fragility similarly affects it’s inability to be used in any way to cause harm, resulting in it dissipating similarly to were it not first bound upon forming. Soft Sculpting Redlines RP Example [1] Algrimmor’s eyes lit ablaze with blue voidal light as he began to channel forth his ability. [2] The old dwarf waved a marred hand over the bottle of liquid mana, pulling it forth from its rest into action as he weaved and sculpted it into its destiny, the rough shape of a dagger forming before he then focused upon solidifying the Mana in place. [3] With the shape now formed, the surface of the mana bubbled and rippled as it was solidified, soon hardening into what would appear to be a vaguely translucent glass dagger of blue hues, unsuitable for combat, though perhaps a fitting letter opener. Hard Sculpting Hard-Sculpted Mana requires much more effort to perform, and requires multiple mages in a ritual, depending on the size of the project. Mana in this form can be made to take on the texture and durability of steel, making it ideal for Tools and weaponry, along with larger structures. Being as durable as regular steel, hard-sculpted mana can be as heavy as steel too. It is oftentimes less translucent than soft-Sculpted mana, though does glow slightly brighter as well. However, to bind this type of mana to the material world would necessitate greater aids, such as mage-gold or Arcanium, to effectively hold it. These applications of sculpted mana will require ST approval in order to be valid, with objects like swords requiring signing, and larger structures requiring ST approval or potentially an accepted MArt application. Unique Effect The reasoning one might wish to fashion a Hard-Sculpted Mana piece over an Arcanium piece would be the additional utility available to the user through the added purity of a piece pure of mana over what is effectively an alloy in Arcanium. That utility being the added ability to enchant additional lesser enchantments onto the piece alongside the regular single enchantment one would be capable of putting on any item. While an Arcanium enchantment can contain a maximum of one T5 enchantment within itself, the Hard-Sculpted piece would allow for an additional two lesser enchantments, often used for greater utility to suit the creator's needs as opposed to requiring additional items to fill such needs. Hard Sculpting Redlines RP Example [1] Balgrimmor took center stage at the altar, glancing amongst his peers as they prepared for the coming ritual, their eyes upon the item at the center of the altar, a large Arcanium hilt. As each member of the ritual honed their connection, they each began to funnel forth their energies for the main magi to utilize. [2] Beginning to work away, the magi central to the ritual called forth a strong flow of liquid mana, twisting and weaving the excess at their disposal, molding it vaguely into the shape of a blade that originated at the Arcanium hilt. [3] Fatigue began to set in amongst the group as the ritual further heightened, the ghostly blade solidifying slowly with great ripples and bursts of energy, its form hardening and solidifying both to the hilt and to reality itself. [4] Winding down now as the remainder of the gathered energies solidified the blade, those present felt the great weight of their efforts pull at their muscles, a taxing but worthwhile process as they now gazed upon the Arcane Sculpted Blade. General Redlines Purpose and Citations Questions Do you think it is necessary or would enhance RP to add a rolling system similar to Arcanium to this method? Or do you think the requirement of Arcanium as a potential precursor is sufficient? Off the back of the last question, should hard-sculpted items exclusively require Arcanium to have a rolling system included in the process alongside at least a day of exhaustion? Or do you think it should be left open for lesser magi to utilize magegold? Right now despite having example emotes, there isn’t a required number of emotes listed anywhere, do you think there should be? Or in the spirit of free form RP, should it be kept intentionally vague? Although only Lesser Enchantments and almost entirely non-combative in use, do you think two extra on hard sculpted items is too excessive?
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