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A Bunch of Mimics (Knyghtfalcon)

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88 Fantastic


About A Bunch of Mimics (Knyghtfalcon)

  • Rank
    Master of the Descent
  • Birthday 10/03/1997

Contact Methods

  • Minecraft Username

Profile Information

  • Location
    I exist
  • Interests
    Short story writing
    Various PC gaming
    Comics and Cartoon Art

Character Profile

  • Character Name
  • Character Race
    High Elf

Recent Profile Visitors

6907 profile views
  1. This place still exists? What?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. saint swag
    3. A Bunch of Mimics (Knyghtfalcon)

      A Bunch of Mimics (Knyghtfalcon)

      Bruh I am lookin' to log in and see what's up can't believe this is the same place from eight almost nine years ago lmao.

    4. Ibn Khaldun
  2. Decided to come back after finishing my AA, and sorting out some life stuff that had been affecting me as a person and causing me to be abrasive and a bit onery to others around me. I hope people will find me more enjoyable to be around now 

    1. rukio


      welcome back!

  3. MC Name: ThePoliteCannibal Character Name: Ivy Why do you want to be a Dread Knight?: I see it as a fun, interesting way to roleplay and enjoy myself on the server. I had been a cultist for many months through 3.0-3.5, so I'd like to get back into it and finish my journey of becoming a dread knight. Do you understand that you cannot go against the Dread Lord's orders as a Dread Knight?: Of course Time zone: est Skype Name (You can PM it to me privately): You already have it. (This is essentially just re-applying, as I had already been a cultist before, and the same character still exists.)
  4. Re-adjusting to the server after a six month hiatus, most of the time spent in the hospital or recovering. Someone needs to explain all the random sh** I've missed.

    1. Ser Paul Ryan

      Ser Paul Ryan

      People died. Warclaims were denied. Rules were broke. Elections lost....

      dark times, pal

    2. Rethai


      So much.. So much...

    3. nordicg_d


      staff took a massive steamy dump on the community and now the place stinks like ****

  5. Am I the only one who thinks that the server died because aliens?

  6. Anyone else having trouble connecting to the server? It's been down for me all day.

    1. cj_scout


      I've been connecting just fine.

    2. A Bunch of Mimics (Knyghtfalcon)

      A Bunch of Mimics (Knyghtfalcon)

      So after six months you finally talk to me ;-;

  7. Given Name: Sophia Ivy Faelcyn True Name (MC Name): PoliteCannibal (Skype Name): Knyght.falcon Race? Mixed Doth ye aspire the path of The Knight, The Mechanist or The Magician? Magician Doth ye solemnly swear to protect your Crimson Heart brethren? Of course.
  8. Looking for people who might want to start a new character in my character's family. If interested, PM me please on the forums or InGame. Thanks!

  9. That... Is so deep... It brought tears to my eyes... ;~;
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