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Ender VIP
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Everything posted by Elad™

  1. Accepted. Accepted, come to the Mages Guild for further information.
  2. Apologies to those who have been waiting patiently for a reply to their Mages Guild applications. I've just finished responding to each. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/109898-the-reforming-the-mages-guild/#entry1059304

  3. --- Haadi Mubdee, esteemed Illusion and Fire Evocation instructor of the Mages Guild paced throughout its empty halls; a long sigh escaping his arid lips. He sauntered over to Crumena, brows furrowed in irritation. --- --- " 'ey Crumena, where tha' **** is all o' our studens'?" Haadi murmured, curling his fingers together at the tip of his staff. "Tha' 'alls that were once lively 'ave turned shallow an' life-less.." Expression turning more irritable in nature, Haadi inched forward a step, waving his hand for emphasis in his words. "I'd like ta' go 'ead an' look through tha' recent applicants. It's 'bout time we accept some new aspirin' mages before tha' Mages Guild returns ta' its old state." Archmage Crumena bobbed his head idly in agreement to Haadi's words, "Very well. You'll find the papers in Kalameet's office. Go through them, and accept those who you deem worthy." --- --- "Alrigh'. I'll see ta' it then." Haadi said, giving Crumena a brief nod as he strode in. --- --- "Time ta' get ta' work.." Haadi huffed, sliding an inksack and quill over to some parchment. --- [[i'd like to apologize to any applicants who feel they've been ignored up to this point. As stated in a previous post by Kalameet on this thread; http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/109898-the-reforming-the-mages-guild/page-3#entry1036964 , we were at one point full of students. This of course was result of it's sudden revival, and all the interest that sparked around because of such. I hope to keep students coming at a much more steady pace now, especially with organization coming further into play from all parts within the guild. So without further adieu..]] "Finally." Haadi groaned, resting his tired hand against the wooden desk; sealed letters with a reply to their adjacent applications resting at his side. [[Accepted and Denied applicants are in the spoiler below.]] Your application shall be accepted once your name has been given. Welcome to the Mages Guild, Illuthan. You have a lot to learn. Our sincerest apologies, but at this time you have been denied from joining the Mages Guild. Please come to our place of stay in Alras if you wish to talk further. Alphie, please make your way to the home of the Mages Guild in Alras and we shall speak further of your recruitment. You speak of learning Water Evocation from a student within the guild? Apply once more whenever Alirya has reached the instructor status. If you are not applying as a mage, what are you applying as? Denied until such clarifications are made. You may come to our home in Alras if you wish to speak further. Welcome to the Mages Guild. We shall speak in Alras of your placement within the guild. Come to our place of stay in Alras and we shall speak of your placement within the Guild. Send in a letter once you have reached sixteen years of age. Your learning will begin immediately in the guild at that time. Until such, resume your studies. We look forward to having you here. Visit the Mages Guild in Alras and we shall speak further. If nobody is around at the time of your arrival, send word to one of the Archmages, or myself, Haadi Mubdee. Visit the Mages Guild in Alras and we shall speak further. If nobody is around at the time of your arrival, send word to one of the Archmages, or myself, Haadi Mubdee. Please visit the Mages Guild in Alras so we may speak further. Applicant has already been deemed a student in the guild. Visit the place of stay the Mages Guild has acquired in Alras, and we shall speak further. [[if I missed anyone please let me know, it's a bit late here.]]
  4. Think I finally got an outcome i'm happy with. http://i.imgur.com/nFTrBfI.png

  5. Friendship is magic, confirmed by Zarsies himself. http://gyazo.com/447ee0865f4054ae534b567b5a2aa802

  6. 1/10 Dirty crustacean scum 8/10
  7. That horrible transition away from 2x2 eyes. http://gyazo.com/f12d10d31111ec26c5c06dbd2e7af461

    1. BrandNewKitten


      The dark spots under his eyes make him look really old, really tired and squinting.

    2. Elad™


      I tried without the bags from his eyes,(which are there from a lack of sleep.) but it looked real strange. http://gyazo.com/a77a88767cc9cc7599340af57258369e Or maybe it's just me struggling to get used to smaller eyes, who knows.

  8. In regards to the new application format, where is the section for applying an Alt? Is it being worked on? Or was it forgotten about?

    1. Danny


      Might be added afterwards, that's the way I always did it. It'll be added at some point I'm sure.

  9. Another little doodle I did today. http://imgur.com/a/m6KRy

  10. Joe Blackman ‎5‎:‎19‎ ‎PM

    it's haadi
    1. Demotheus


      I've never seen Haadi angry..not that I RP with you much :c

  11. "Nice ta' see its return.." Haadi mumbled as a stray poster blew into whatever cave he'd been holed up in.
  12. Evark's request is finished.. finally. Sorry for the wait bud! http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/evark-evocress/ Want a skin done? Request it here! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/109346-elads-skin-shop/

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