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Ender VIP
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Everything posted by Elad™

    1. KoTo


      your minecraft looks very sexy

    2. Valdis


      o.e what is the mod for your chat?

    3. Neri



  1. New skin for Haadi. http://gyazo.com/02ebe2e784a7a75afd8f8a4667bf83f9 I'll do some of the skin requests tomorrow.

    1. Demotheus


      I thought he was a harbinger o.o. _

    2. Drak3


      Mad good illusions yo.

  2. I found the willpower to complete a request. It may not be who was first on the list, but I really can't be arsed right now to do any skinning, so the fact I did this amazes me. Cheers Megazero34! http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/green-robed-elf/

    1. Alan


      Looks great! =]

  3. A personal request completed for chikaea. Can't be botheredto do any other skins right now. Sorry for those waiting. http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/peasant-girl-2870554/

  4. Dakir's Request is finished. He made his in Skype before my thread was made for those of you concerned about when yours will be done. http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/dark-elf-rogue-2869404/

    1. Desires


      Wonderful work as always.

  5. Arzar's Skin request is finished. http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/cloaked-druid/

    1. Desires


      Very imrpessive!

    2. D A N N Y

      D A N N Y

      Looks nice, mate.

    3. Bat Druid

      Bat Druid

      It's amazing. I love it.

  6. Not requested or anything, but I found some art and made a skin after it. http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/tailor-2866740/

    1. Elad™


      Lub you falkor. <3

    1. LiesisAlie*


      disgusting edgy

    2. HuskyPuppy


      Would look better to me if the gem was 2x2

  7. I'm Elad and I like to PVP.

    1. V0idsoldier


      u should find somthin ur better at to like m8

    2. Abeam


      ur bootyful just the way u r

  8. OOC MC Name: Eladriendil Skype: You have it. Timezone: NST IC Name: Haadi Mubdee Race: Southeron Age: 28 Current Allegiances: None Past Jobs: High Magister High Scholar Skills: I excel within the Arcane, and have a plethora of relics, both of magical and non-magical origin. I have been studying history of all sorts for the past few years, and hope to expand upon my knowledge.
  9. Someone should write lore as to why we're villagers for a day.

  10. Human Centipede! http://imgur.com/Hr44YvR

    1. Desires


      I'm inside of you, Poppy... We are one.

  11. Happy Womb Escape Day to me.

    1. Desires


      Happy Birthday my darling, son. <3

    2. Dreek


      Happy Womb Escape Day

  12. Found a really old gyazo of Haadi and Daniel Kamura.. http://gyazo.com/71e7a410fd23f904c58f82a8832a6b78

  13. OOC MC Name: Eladriendil Skype: brandon.glynn2 Timezone: NST IC Name: Haadi Mubdee Race: Human ; Southeron Age: I am the age of twenty, last I had checked. Current Allegiance: I hold allegiances with practically all nations, guilds, and so on. As far as I can think of I hold no enemies in this land. Talents: I am a skilled illusionist, and an adept fire-evocationist. I have quite the writing ability as well. Past jobs: I hold the title of Magister within the Conclave's Magistrate.
  14. Uploaded some more pictures to this thread, have a look! :D http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/106368-a-few-screenies-i-took/

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