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Status Updates posted by _Gaelic_

  1. When do you become an old fart or something... I've almost been here for three years... I think.

  2. Is becoming a druid worth it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      You seem like the type of person who appreciates interesting RP without needing to resort to constant violence and murder.  Are you looking for an experience in quality RP?  Are you looking for a great system of teaching and magic, and a thriving subcommunity of people who all seek to spread great RP?  Do you like nature?  Do you want to make a difference in the world?  All these things and more with the Druidic Order!  Now, only One Lifetime Commitment required!  Learn to speak to the wilds, learn to investigate imbalance and correct it, find adventure and mystery hand in hand!  Become a part of the oldest and most active guild that LotC has!  

    3. _Gaelic_


      Pretty good business man tbh. But Really, I'm considering it. but idk XP


    4. WuHanXianShi14
  3. You can never leave this server.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. wolfdwg


      Part of the ship, part of the crew

    3. Burnsy


      You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave. 

    4. neopsychedelia
  4. Anyone here draw for fun...? And would. Draw me a person for me? ;3;


    1. Ducklingator


      I draw for fun. then, I rage, tear the paper and shout in agony. fun.

    2. Skylez
    3. Genevieveee


      Same as Ducky honestly

  5. This kid, can't believe he's some fancy shmancy event team manager, disgusting.

    1. _Gaelic_


      I mean really this boy is lame.

    2. Skylez


      I have come a long way........ FRIEND 

    3. _Gaelic_


      I'll put some faith in that, maybe.

  6. open a blacksmith they said, it will be easy they said

  7. What a filthy Memer this kid is.

    1. JEEGK


      I hope you're ready for a WARNING POINT

    2. Skylez


      How rude. : (

  8. I'm desperately in need of someone who can make me a pretty decent or high quality skin, I've got a friend who I believe will pay minas for it, plz. message me papi

    1. Skylez


      Well well well, look who DECIDED to rear their head.


      I missed you, friend.

    2. _Gaelic_


      you smell bad.


    1. 3andD


      i wonder when raptor14 will stop ddosing....

  10. All the stress in this server. everytime it says server closed i cry and then notice it comes back up XD

  11. Should I even ask why my phone auto corrected "Hello" into "That"

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      Well.. you see... It all started after a night of heavy drinking, we were all getting into a Taxi....

  12. I think my life has hit rock bottom.... Eating a tub of ice cream gg

    1. _Gaelic_


      I'm phat and I'm proud.. JK I'm really skinny > . >

  13. Today, I Broke 95 Pounds, I'm 13, ome the F*** On

    1. _Gaelic_


      I also hate the enter button...

  14. . . . Now I just need to find a seeing stone . . .

    1. _Gaelic_


      E-Erh... try.. to get one.. at least..

  15. Gah! Gah! GAHH! I donated 25$ woot.

    1. FlowUster


      shoulda got aether vip

  16. I wish I was Kewl.

    1. cj_scout


      You are Gaelic and therefore automatically awesome.

  17. I'm gonna make a Halfling soon...

  18. One day I'll find rp.

    1. Wulfery


       Plenty of it to go around.

  19. 1.6.4 WTF Random update > _

  20. 1.6.4 WTF Random update > _

  21. Cant wait to play on tthe Server ^ - ^

  22. Server down or something because it wont let me get on.

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