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GDPR 014

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Everything posted by GDPR 014

  1. "Darkstalkes are simple servants" -meph :'C
  2. Might not want to use Thanhium for armor. That'd kill the person wearing it. Maybe use something else?
  3. How dare you create magic and give it to few people. What monsters. HOW DARE you say that some people can't have this. GRRR SO TRIGGERED, it's just CIRCLE JERKY. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
  4. A lone Willowsman loads his crossbow, pocketing the bone spike he acquired. "Tha' gator mine." His words seep through his klappvisor, "If any youse wanna help, i'll take you alongs." He then coughs, turning to the swamps. "I've been hunting gators evah since I can remember, and my pappy too, and his pappy before him, then even his pappy's pappy. I guess you can say... I come from a long line o'gator hunters. I know a lot about gators and how to make merchandise and good eats out o'them." "Gator hide, gator shoes, gator steaks, roast gators, steamed gators, gator tail, gator wraps, gator stew, even gator eggs. So if youse want to help me hunt these here gator, that'd be much o'blidged."
  5. Always able to be translocated, it just requires full understanding of the enchantment.
  6. They can, however it will take additional time to make the portal. At that point, the warrior would likely withdraw his items from the rift and try to stab you in the face. Two half translocations maximum, yeah.
  7. Yes. I've checked and got it clarified, the magic goes poof, basically. Question 1: For one half translocation, it can become half the size of a normal rift expanded to the maximum size. Question 2: Nothing. Can't enter the void.
  8. Regarding first edit: Check the lore, just edited something in. Doesn't need to be a black rift, so long as it's a visible tell something is up in that area. Edit 2: I'll get on that right away!
  9. So, Void translo currently serves only one purpose, whereas other magics serve multiple. This post is just to clarify one thing, and potentially add in another. Clarifying: As it stands, there is no momentum or opposing force on an item in the void, such is evident as translocationists can draw out a loaded crossbow from the void. So, if one was to shoot/throw something into the translocation, it will carry the same speed/motion when it comes out of the translocation. You cannot do this on magic, It just vanishes when it enters the rift. Note: This cannot be done in mid combat and will require planning. Storing a moving object in the void is taxing and will more than likely require someone to have void translocation for over a month. Red-line: Cannot translocate and re-translocate magic. Addition/amendment: Half-transloing, originally a red-line, could potentially no longer be one. There really isn’t any harm to it, provided one can successfully conjure two rifts, and stick apart of something into one to have it come out the other way. When the half translocated object begins to exit from the translocation, the black mark (or some other tell that something is being translocated, like a very visible distortation in the air, or a heat wave of sorts) within the air will be indication enough for anyone who can see it. This secondary rift can only be created so far from the person, and must remain in their line of sight. The maximum range for half-transloing would be four meters (four blocks). This will require a high tier, late tier three and beyond. ((Meaning after a month you can do it, at the start, given it splits focus, it will be extremely difficult and likely won’t be able to be utilized in combat until after the first week of doing it passes.)) Also, it would be impossible to half translo/re translo magic. It just vanishes. How going about this works: Before the item goes into half translocation, the rifts must be created. And then the half-transloing begins. The second rift, at the start is rather slow to create, however as you progress after the first month, it becomes swifter, but you cannot instantly craft the other rift. Example: [Master/Adept] Jim Darkmagic takes a step back, his eyes flashing a scarlet hue, a dark rift slowly tearing itself at the front of his torso. Saiko dedliest warrior steps in, priming his sword for a thrust. [!] At Saiko's side, a secondary dark rift comes to life, remaining where it is as the swordsman advances. Saiko grins, paying no heed to the rift as he thrusts the sword towards Jim's torso. [!] The Dark rift swells, engulfing the blade's half in its abyssal light. The other rift expands some, allowing the blade to slide outward, stabbing at Saiko's side. [Novice] Jo Shmo curls in his fingers, watching Saiko with labored breaths. Saiko steps in, whirling his sword as he eyes the mage. From Jo's front, a distortion in the air becomes evident, at the front of his torso. Saiko continues to step in, the blade shifting, point facing Jo's chest. [!] From the side of Saiko, another distortion is visible, churning within the air. Saiko steps in, stabbing at the mage's chest. The wizard grunts, wincing some as the sword enters the distortion, its front vanishes. [!] From the side distortion, the blade slides out, jabbing at Saiko's side. ((Alternatively: As the sword slides out of the distortion, it vanishes, the second and front distortion vanishing, Saiko's sword intact. The thrust continues as planned, stabbing into the seemingly exhausted mage. Red-lines: Maximum, this ability can only occur at the distance of four blocks. You cannot half-translocate magic. You require line of sight for the second 'portal'. Can’t insta-cast the second rift. Tl;dr to addition/amendment: Remove the half-translo red-line. Explanation: Void quakes and the laws of translo are now warped. ALL translocationists can feel it, and discover the two abilities. That’s it. At most, it will take a week or so to fully discover them. On magic and translocation: You can't translo magic, it just poofs. If you throw a fireball into the void, you can't conjure it back with translocation.
  10. Dude I ******* love Tang Mo from ESO. Monkey people are p dank
  11. If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me or another MAT member!
  12. Hi, guys-- friendly not so friendly MAT here. This is just to clarify a few things that have been discussed. So, there is a common misconception that mages are effectively degraded stick men that can’t wear armor or wield weaponry. Well, that isn’t true. Mages can use weapons, and wear armor, both within reason (as in no overly heavy armor or BUSTER SWORDS, mages are still weak, and they aren’t strong men.) There’s more to this too, but we’ll get to that after rectifying armor and weapons. -The physical stuff, weapons and armor- On Armor: Mages can wear armor, the thing is that it has to be light, or needs to be made in a way where the weight is equally distributed along the body, which effectively lightens the load. A good example of something light would be leather armor. Something that has its weight distributed would be fitted plate. Although a mage cannot wear full platemail (which is plate that has an entire set of chain-mail under it, and then some with padding and whatnot) they can still protect themselves quite well. The thing is, the heavier the armor, the more stamina it is to wear-- which means you could get exhausted if you keep running around in plate. Tl;dr: Mages can wear armor, it just can’t be overly heavy. The more weight means the easier it is to tire if you keep moving around. On Weapons: Oh boy, basically mages can use weapons within reason (nothing huge and weighs like 1000 pounds and has a point of balance at the tip of the weapon), though not as effectively as a seasoned warrior. While they can retain the knowledge and practice of the weapon, they will most likely not be better than the seasoned warrior. Tl;dr: So long as the weapon is reasonable, a mage can wield it. Just, most likely, a seasoned warrior can overpower them. A very important rule of thumb: Mages aren’t starved African children. While magics that really deteriorate the bodies will make using both armor and weapons more difficult, it is still in the realm of possibility. -The casting- Now! Onto the next topic. Emotes don’t equal time. What I mean by this is that if someone does “draws sword, rushes jim, slashing wildly” Jim Darkmagic the mage can blast the guy with what he was charging. Effectively, actions make for time. Though, it has to be in reason. What I mean by that is that a mage can’t instantly cast a spell that would usually take a really long time to cast if they are in the situation above. Example of what you can do: Jim the mage glances at his opponent, doing his tell. Given he’s a master/is decent in his art, sparks emit from his hand. Saiko dedliest warrior draws his massive uchikatana, made of nippon steel. He swiftly rushes the mages, closing in the far distance whilst he slashes wildly. Jim’s flames amass, and within the time Saiko does such actions, he is able to unleash a torrent of flames. Other example: George the master swordsman draws his longsword, swiftly closing in the distance of 10 meters. Jon the mage, knowing that such a pace would involve some time, would issue whisps of energy. As George gets closer, the energy discharges in a magic missile. Example of what not to do: Saiko glares, his battleaxe ready as he steps forward, priming for a strike. Jim swiftly flicks his palms, flames amassed and unleashes in a cone of flame, immolating all it touches. ((Doesn’t work, Saiko did not warrant an instacast.)) That’s all, folks! Thank you, and happy RPing!
  13. I too have read the necronomicon I never knew the mad Arab was in LoTC
  14. I wouldn't say it's a blessing to have albinism.
  15. I love you for using Malchediael, my love. I really like this lore: It's a neat idea, and it makes a lot of sense for Malchediael to give them strength (Since he likes to destroy the dark of doubt with the light of courage). I really hope this gets accepted. +1 On my end.
  16. I too, like star wars and Howl's moving castle, but this is too much, don't you think?
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