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Status Updates posted by overlord2305

  1. Can we talk about the immersion ruining fence ontop of the left section of the adelburg wall, everytime I walk there and see a five high oak fence ontop of the wall it realy takes me out of it

  2. How dare you call a good EU fearing nation third world you buck toothed tea slurping coal miner! *angry fist shaking*

  3. Can we just talk about a certain 'staff' member banning a player because she disliked the color of the skin he used.

  4. Whats with the guy spamming threads

  5. Good luck with the magic app, hope it gets accepted! *throws bird lady your way*

  6. Just noticed @blarg applied, hope he gets in. I've had the pleasure of rping with him several times since I first started rping.

  7. Why can't I give rep

    1. overlord2305


      They replaced it with the shitiest graphic possible

  8. Just got back from Gamescom WOOO

  9. Can I just say I find it strange that staff usualy lock a thread after replying (in a major way) to it, thus prohibiting any further feedback being given or people expressing adjusted opinions based on what has been said

  10. Tosali best house

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Birdnerdy


      I for one have enjoyed my roleplay with the Tosali Clan : /

    3. Birdnerdy


      roleplays a norland tartar with straight face lol

    4. overlord2305


      @nikabell you were never in Tosali, you were with th3, and we all know the only reason you left that bunch is because your relationship ran aground faster than everyones hopes of ever getting baldrick to pk

  11. Gotta love me some American internet censorship

    1. mitto


      press f to pay respects to this mans opinion

  12. Also screw books 

    1. Abeam


      wheel of times good af though

    2. overlord2305
  13. I just heard baldrick died, WOO

  14. Which member of staff do I need to  hurt for updating the server to a version that does not yet have forge or optifine AGAIN

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Fimlin


      NOT TRUE! there is a forge version, and mods like mpm and schematica work fine as 1.12 mods with 1.12.1 forge, so it is fine actually

    3. Elfen_


      i know plenty of mods are fine for 1.12.1 however optifine isnt

    4. Fimlin


      optifine 1.12.1 works with mpm 1.12

  15. Collette is acting like she has a stick up her ass http://prntscr.com/g57qs8

  16. I blame Norland for what just happened

  17. I feel the new capital of Oren needs to have a bard permanently placed outside the gate playing 

    on his lute, seems fitting 

  18. Stuff just realy went to ****, could use some emotional support rn

    1. Harri


      im always free if you want friends

    2. Narthok
  19. There was no need to respond to that app and try to provoke me

  20. FMs are real staff in the same way the programming team listen to feedback. That is to say, not.

    1. mmat


      Leave mitto alone....

    2. overlord2305


      I will hurt you like a spoon like I hurt kowaman's feelings with a 16 year old meme

  21. Forums on mobile realy need a rework

  22. @iMattyz my man, please start a feedback thread on how the programming staff is refusing to listen to feedback, I'd do it but it'd get locked for being too passive agressive rigth away

    1. mmat


      Not today, brother.

  23. You also crack me up

    1. Pinochet



  24. It cracks me up how programming staff call themselves coders...instead of you know, programmers, who write plugins...unless they're writing secret codes or something instead?

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