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  • Birthday September 29

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  1. why has the minecraft lotc community become judge jury and executioner for the moderation team

    1. Borin


      On the one hand transparency is important, especially on things that are of interest to the community such as ban appeals, etc. But yes, I don't think it's a very healthy system at all.

      If I was being quirky, and they insisted on having the community have some input, they could do a proper jury system, take 10 random adult-ish members of the community, and privately have a discussion, look at the facts and get an opinion, then they make the decision. But that's just a random thought I don't think it should actually be implemented. They should just talk abt it behind closed doors, make a decision and be done w it.

    2. GMRO


      I think ban appeals should be public as well, though it more so has become a popularity contest appeal whereby they directly attempt to sway the community to see if it works it seems as opposed to admins, who knows though, I’m sure if it was just an admin decision he’d be unbanned and they’d wait for the chaos to happen.

    3. Borin


      Perhaps commenting should be removed from appeals then, and a timer placed on them so they can be seen but not read by the wider community for a week or so, whilst the mod/admin team has a chance to look over it and come to some sort of decision?

      Meaning the community knows someone has appealed, and after a week can read said appeal but only after the staff who will ultimately come to a decision can come to one - look over the evidence and talk to any victims etc.

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