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Status Replies posted by Lojo613

  1. Hey Darkies?! Anyone want to perma-kill a white rose soldier? Pm me if you want to.

  2. The streams thinned and the gentle give of the loamy earth beneath their feet began to shift easier & easier. Great mesas of rock towered overhead, the tables from which launched great birds of prey and whose coloration layered reds & oranges atop greys & browns. Dunes began to snake between feet where grass once stood. Save for the buttes & mesas, the remainder of the land stretched vast and unfenced neither by timber nor mountain.



    1. Lojo613


      What did he mean by this


  3. anyone who vagueposts in status updates im gonna ban from status updates unless i am in on the goss, this is serious, i am not joking

    1. Lojo613


      he doesnt know that there is someone who is still suffering for the sins of the last regime. . .

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. when is the next ice cube challenge? 

    1. Lojo613


      Ice bucket challenge!


      Edited by Lojo613
  5. Be sure to throw your war feedback in the LotC Community Involvement discord! We'll be closing it up soon. https://discord.gg/gDwBw95zTM

    1. Lojo613


      I have never heard of this discord


  6. We must defeat the Azdrazi before they save the world

    1. Lojo613


      @ScreamingDingoI see those Duloc boys out there every day spreading the good word

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  7. We must defeat the Azdrazi before they save the world

    1. Lojo613


      We must destroy canonism before the power of their faith restores the creator by remaining the only constant lore compared to the ever shifting official lore

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  8. Telanir gave me a warning point for posting #FreeHongKong so literally nothing surprises me anymore

    1. Lojo613


      Your social credit score is now too low to use the forums. Please report to your nearest reeducation center in order to regain your privileges, otherwise this account may be deleted. Have a nice day! 

      动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. how does one go about spawning custom heads into lotc...?


  10. Alright time for another status update on epic halfling stuff:

    -College isn’t too difficult for me right now, so I should be able to keep up this pace for a long while.
    -I’m thinking we should do another event relating to skinning, any ideas for what we should do?
    -Ideas for 8.0 are greatly appreciated!

    1. Lojo613


      Halflings are going to defeat the Inferni

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. Whats the hate on canonism? It has no magic, doesn’t conflict with lore, and just permeates academic writing rp.

    1. Lojo613


      Every argument against Canonism.


      No I totally read it it’s 100% inspired by Christianity and not any other religion which has similar roots such as Zoroastrianism, Mesopotamian traditional pantheons. I’ve never read the bible but this is 100% Christianity.


      Before you start making headass observations, read the actual bible first. I would say this is pretty much a rip off of Judaism with Catholic overtones in regard to practice, not a rip on Christianity or Islam. Also, acting like something being inspired by real life is bad is so unbelievably hypocritical considering this server is called Lord of The Craft and is based on an amalgam of real life and fantasy genres and tropes. Get a better argument for why it is bad than “Its christianity bro”. Complain about the way it is rped, complain about the effects it has on the rp of the server, complain about the lore itself, complain about the people who rp it, complain about how you believe it is stale, but “duh, christian” is not an argument, it is an appeal to fedora tipping edgelords on why christianity bad. 

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  12. can animals cast magic 

    like a horse

  13. Idk is it just me or has RP communities in general just become a **** ton more toxic? Realized some of that salt was rubbing off on me recently 😬

    1. Lojo613


      Its about the same level of toxicity as it was in 2014


    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  14. Anyone wanna help me with some numbers real quick? This is something I’ve been trying to figure out for awhile.

    How much would a relatively athletic 4’5 Dwarf weigh, being stockier than the average human and all?

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