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Everything posted by lawnmowerman

  1. whats ur skype qt

    1. Malgonious
    2. lawnmowerman


      this is relevant how? sorry?

    3. Kvasir


      I'm too q 4 u sry.

  2. THE WHITE RIDERS The Gentleman Corps of Knights and Freeriders of the Crownlands The Army upon the Dogger Bay, 1561 by Richard Calvely EXORDIUM ON HUMANITY Upon the Nature of Humanity “Thou standest before Me in the waters of Gamesh, Owyn, son of Godwin, son of Horen. And thy people cry for justice and for purity. Takest hold of this blade, for it is a symbol of holiness, and by it thou shalt cleanse man of sin.” Owyn 7:2 From the laurel crown crafted by God’s own hand, lain upon the solemn head of his chosen son, the Tribe of Horen and His sons have destined to lay dominion upon the lands breeching every horizon. From the sweltering deserts, to the desolate of peaks, the world marks as humanity’s manifest destiny, to steward to the world as His chosen. Through sword and holy word, humanity cleanses the sin of the world, rooting the corruption and devilry granted by Iblees’ most unholy betrayal. The Tribe of Horen supplants order in the chaos-ridden wastes, delivers justice to the wild realm, and protects the pure from the impious. Horen gave us unifying blood, Owyn gave us the Holy Ambition, Godfrey: the binding order and tradition, and Sigismund, wisdom and clairvoyance in the sight of impurity. Through the Saints, we strive to become the pious, through the Blessed, we see the courage of humanity, and through the Martyrs, we are filled with the fire of passion and faith. Humanity is, through faith, piety, and valor, the masters and stewards of the mortal world; sheriffing the lands in the name of God and wiping away the evils of false gods and dark arts. And through our tireless work, humanity is granted which no other mortal race is given: the keys to the Seven Skies and to stand with He who made us. THE GENTLEMEN OF THE BAND The Bastard and the Urchin, 1565 by Louis du Polis THE KNIGHTS The Knights, the chief warriors of the band, are men renown for their skill in equestary, fighting almost exclusively while on horseback. Having been taught as Squires how to properly ride in such a way to make a lance effective. Also being experienced in using their swords once a lance has broken on the enemies that they’ve charged into, not ceasing to fight until their enemy is done. THE CAVALIERS The Cavaliers, those who make up the majority of the band, are a vital piece of the White Riders. Blazing across the landscape with their brothers-in-arms, it is they who march the riders’ eternal message across the lands of man and beyond. Without the membership of the cavalier majority, the band would lose its shape, and eventually dissolve into nothingness. THE UNMOUNTED From the young and old, to the experienced to the green-blooded, the unmounted are the bulk of recruits and new-arrivals, not yet tested to amongst the White Riders and their jovial brothers. They are to train and to follow the example of their peers, to gain the trust of their superiors to eventually be given the greatest honor: the spurs and white cloak to ride as a brother amongst the cavaliers and knights. RECRUITMENT (OOC) Information: Skype: MC Name: Do you use TS3 (Y/N): Chosen (RP) Information: Name: Are you Man or Elf or Neither (M/E/N): Age: Weapon of Sufficient Ability: Do you possess a steed (Y/N):
  3. glad you unbanned superAawesome now can you unban kincaid? thanks!

    1. KBR


      I agree 





  5. ***** stop calling im trying to break out kincaid *slams phone and cancels facetime*

  6. all you need to do is do /unban kincaid_

    1. Harri


      ive tried the admins locked the command out

  7. unban him NOW

    1. Wrynn


      what's the magic word?

    2. lawnmowerman
  8. wait why is kincaid banned till october thats literally a 5 month ban not a 3 month ban? can you count @gm team?

    1. GodEmperorFlam


      Do you have trouble reading dates, Gucko??

    2. Wrynn


      Oh, it's written in the UK verson, not american. Sorry for the confusion

  9. free kincaid or the 40 ppl thah 1

    1. lawnmowerman



  10. miss me with this pathetic **** you have people that scheme to blow up the server that arent even banned and you refuse to unban a good family man

  11. [22:00:57] fuckerino: https://gyazo.com/5228e3a1b9f8d90a4d0f1b6a4f8f2316
    [22:01:01] fuckerino: what a promising start

  12. free my boi kincaid and remove harold

  13. i have given u ur 1000th rep point : )

  14. Incompetent, biased, and completely useless as well as trolly.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nekkore


      Preach, brother. He needs to be removed. :)


      I love u HB

    3. Banard


      Abusive, unreliable, and completely psychotic as well as masochistic.

    4. Matheus
  15. hey can i play a ruric

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Birdnerdy


      same brother 

    3. lawnmowerman
    4. Muddy_Buddy


      no it's grr oren grr, cmon guck get it right

  16. John, you’re a syphilitic prick and I’m going to off you like one.


    1. Esterlen


      *unsheathes sword* death to the tyrant

  17. If you are not removed off the forums in ten minutes I am not showing up with cavalry next warclaim. I am serious, by the way. I am not going to deal with thirteen year old Stigwig spitting on me.

  18. why'd you shoot me in the leg you ****

  19. Sorry for posting irrelevant stuff on that ban report. I'll make sure to glance over the forum rules again.

  20. No matter the cost.




  21. ho ho ho it's magic, you knooow

    1. Anawkin


      how about no

  22. Fool.

    1. Esterlen


      What has happened here is your fault.

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