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Everything posted by lawnmowerman

  1. her palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, theres sweat patches on her sweater already

  2. these ******* want nikes

    1. Weabootrash


      i want your nikes

  3. ((nice art, got a link to the artist?
  4. haha yea im gonna make a leaving post and leave lord of the craft.

  5. Victim playing (also known as playing the victim or self-victimization) is the fabrication of victimhood for a variety of reasons such as to justify abuse of others, to manipulate others, a coping strategy or attention seeking.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      be nice to people and then maybe people will consider that you're actually almost 18

    3. lawnmowerman


      go clean up rio then we can talk

    4. Man of Respect
  6. miss you baby xoxo c:

    1. devvy


      i miss her more

  7. u the typa ****** to call ur body pillow daddy

    1. Harri


      no i forced her to call me daddy

    2. Space
  8. so darling, darling, stand by me.



  9. harrison is menarra's alt account guys

  10. magnum dong.

    1. Samoblivion


      Gonna need a monster condom.

  11. Just to note; This is a serious submission, and I only put in the 'No FTB' rule because we've people like Harrison on this server.
  12. The "Violabuntur Terra,” aka Mud Maidens (By aeryael, at Deviantart.com) On the form: Tuj A bifcuration of the unnatural body and once-wholesome mind, The “Maidens of the Swamp” are beasts taking the shape of women; their forms consist of a thick and oozing black petroleum akin to “mud,” from which their derivative and well-reputed nickname of “mud maidens” stems from. Further, with regards to their makeup, the petroleum was elastic but rather weak; a decent downwards jab is able to easily able to puncture or a pair of hands may press its weight down to simply compress the odd material, through the flesh would simply reseal around any puncture wounds briefly after the fact. It had an odd and nigh on “slimelike texture,” with special adhesive properties - it clings to bare flesh it touches, though it remains malleable. These unwholesome creatures shapes are by all means familiar and feminine, with supple curves that shone in the sunlight - it held a great resemblance to that of a Descendants flesh if it were not for their unnatural composition - in fact, the only definitive difference in their anatomy is a translucent and stilled heart located near to the center of their chest, beneath the bosom and mere inches beneath the surface of their gel-like skin. With all due regards, the stilled heart seems to function as the source of their lifeforce and bodily control; it is a vestige of a past life, a heart stilled by death and brought to life by the power of vestigial emotions in the same manner as a “ghost” or spectre, though it’s body is entirely physical. Damage sustained to the last truly Human part of its body will cause it to reduce to a puddle of formless jello, dispersed once more to the Seven Skies. On behaviorisms: In the past, these aberrants may’ve been seen as “harmless,” or “a good catch” to the depraved individuals interested in seizing and carting away these noble creatures but such appears to no longer be the case. These beasts are fiercely territorial due to collective trauma, and prone to preying on lone or travelling males. As for the state of their mind, it could be stated (with some truth, notable sources add) that these a-gendered beasts have some form of sentience, if not sapience; whilst they appear to be rendered entirely speechless, unable to give voice to whatever tragic experiences that surely made up it’s lifespan and drove it to cavorting in the unpleasant habitats they once took to advanced emotional expressions such as stick figure art. The sudden reprisal of their once-passive nature is fascinating. Educated scholars have only been able to formulate scant hypothesis as to why or how they experienced such a paradigm shift - as described by “Samiru Haidaku,” “one can simply not trust females in any form; they are liars, cheaters, whores, and will suck you dry with greater swiftness than a lich.” On the other hand, many believe it due to their rampant abuse at the hands of Easterner slave markets, and their mass capture and sale by the blue-skinned seductress known as “Vithquar,” and her master. In modern times, they lurk in damp areas and swamps till prey crosses above them. The “Mud Maidens” methods of attacks almost always involve surprise, attempting to seize men by the leg or boots and pull them down. Due to their lack of raw strength or natural weapons, they’ll attempt to enwrap and drown the man after pulling them into a near body of water (though they may do this from simple puddles of mud, or full-on confrontation though such almost always ends poorly). On the birth, and death, of the “Mud Maidens”: The flowers of the Violabuntur Terra are sprouted and nurtured from instances of death and great trauma in humid and swampy biomes. On most occasions, they are composed of one soul - but there have been instances of a singular mud maiden being composed of many individuals after a tragedy of note. After death, the corpse(s) desiccates and a shriveled heart unbeset by rot remains, possessed by a soul that could not bring itself to the Cloud Temple and stewed only in its own hatred. After the bodies and bones find themselves turned to sludge, and the waterlogged terrain they’d found their final resting place replaces it’s need for limbs; and from all experiences with pre-matured Mud Maidens, all they do is weep and lament their loss till the day their sorrow finds itself cemented as a burning hatred. Once the stilled heart is destroyed, their soul is released to return to the Seven Skies (contemporary and non-Human scholars claim that the ‘Sevents Skies’ is a misnomer propagated by Man-supremacists.) The body falls back to nothing but sledge and rot, and that particular mud maiden is never to be seen again. FAQ: Can I play a mud maiden?: No, this is an Event Creature only. Can a mud maiden have items on her? They can retain objects inside of them. Can I bathe in a mud maiden? You’ll drown. Can I FTB with a mud maiden? Full penetration with creature races is against the rules. (Inspiration taken from Jistuma's old mud-maiden lore, also a huge thanks to Ambduscias for proof reading!)
  13. get me a cute anime girl avatar x.x

    1. Matheus
    2. Summorox


      Someone please give me bleach so i can unsee this

  14. so when do i get a gm trial so i can go ******* nuclear?

    1. 6xdestroyer


      Youre literally a retard going around in a squidward skin. Thise ******* man, chill.

    2. lawnmowerman


      dude holy **** you roasted me! blown the fug out!

  15. this server is so absolutely corrupt and disgusting ran by this pathetic vile hierarchy excluding Ever that actually does stuff (pbuh), how about you literally do something with your ******* life instead of spending countless of hours on mineman roleplay, as if you ***** don't ******* offer **** OOCly or make OOC promises for RP ****. this server is an absolute joke and needs to ******* die for all the degeneracy it harbors.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TeaLulu


      guck r u doing alright ur recent activity seems to be a litany of excess and violence do u wanna talk about how ur feeling


      Ofc yes we all know how dumb it is and always will be

    3. Angmarzku


      you were a good et builder

    4. lawnmowerman


      guys i personally think that everyone in the ski clique should be admin.

  16. im sorry but why the **** was my mudmaiden CA revoked? **** you you ******* bigots!

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