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Status Replies posted by LatzMomo

  1. has someone who isn't an orc ever learned shamanism? is that a thing?

  2. we're gunna rebel but we need allies because we don't actually got rebels that cool right

  3. It's both the saddest and funniest thing to see @MarquisAlexbanned.


    I think anyone who knows him, knows he wouldn't do anything with malicious intent. 


    Plz @Wrynn be gentle.


  4. we're gunna rebel but we need allies because we don't actually got rebels that cool right

  5. we're gunna rebel but we need allies because we don't actually got rebels that cool right

  6. It's both the saddest and funniest thing to see @MarquisAlexbanned.


    I think anyone who knows him, knows he wouldn't do anything with malicious intent. 


    Plz @Wrynn be gentle.


  7. Iron from ice.

  8. If you were a rapper what would your name be?


  10. name change ideas

  11. Protip, never engage in rp combat with spooks

  12. Protip, never engage in rp combat with spooks

  13. make a wish foundation asked kowa if they could do this for chaw


  14. Forgot how salty people get over lotc, some of y'all need to chill

  15. Forgot how salty people get over lotc, some of y'all need to chill

  16. hi i would like to be whitelisted

    because i am a verry good person to be around with

    and i love this mod and server :D i hope u can accept this offer because im cool woth it

  17. They made Fizz really strong this patch.

  18. the new ranking system is god like, puts me in a game versus all gold players, and gives me 4 bronze players on my team, feels bad man

  19. the new ranking system is god like, puts me in a game versus all gold players, and gives me 4 bronze players on my team, feels bad man

  20. the new ranking system is god like, puts me in a game versus all gold players, and gives me 4 bronze players on my team, feels bad man

  21. @Luvbug ? how you been? staying out of trouble with the mean kids at school?

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