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Everything posted by cablam

  1. You really shouldn't believe number 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. 


    1. UnBaed


      "Your clique is shattered lol" lmao haha oh man

    2. InfamousGerman


      yesmen go home

  2. Please respond.


  3. aa588f0150995b10c52ebfb2b01dca9a.png




    Good to know this guy is going to represent the server as manager on a staff team. Not like seeing someone's IP is pex anyways am I right?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cablam


      Point still stands. He isn't fit to be on any staff with any sort of tag in the slightest. The blacklist literally says no position with pex, why is he able to see IPs then? That isn't something an average player can do, therefore pex.

    3. Dreek


      The process was talked about with an admin and was not blocked, if there is abuse then action will be taken as with any staff member.

    4. cablam


      Pex is pex and to ignore the blacklist simply because he is your friend is the definition of nepotism. Which admin did you go to anyways? Because if they're going around and ignoring said blacklists why don't we just make Mog an admin again am I right?

  4. You know when you first stepped down from staff and went on your forum rampage I asked myself, "Why is he doing this?"


    I now have that answer.

  5. c3d6b7de9456c2c18666cb9dddfa5f75.png


    Hmmmmm, really makes ya think

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Vaynth


      did someone say parrots 

    3. TeaLulu


      @Gazardiael its ok ur still my fav aengul thing even if i cant ever spell ur name right lmfao (heart) (heart)

    4. excited


      @TeaLulu we were good et managers too

  6. After speaking with _Gypsy the blacklist's duration is shortened to 1 month with no appeal. The blacklist will be lifted on June 27th.
  7. Villain and Magic Blacklist appeals need to go through the following process from this point forward:


  8. Just a heads up, the GM apps have been cleared out in a cleaning sense. If your app was denied but you're still interested you can just post another.

    1. excited
    2. Nekkore


      brb gonna post mine kappa

  9. Slight amendment to Fast Travels, they can no longer lead directly into a city or settlement and must end outside of it. The GM team will be going over any areas that breach this in the coming weeks to change them to fit this new change. 



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cablam


      I'm doing alright how are you Flam?

    3. GodEmperorFlam


      I am a bit tilted because people are silly

    4. J


      if you're tilted does that mean when you drink it all goes to one side?

  10. We've received an update on the server, refer to this post for info: 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. overlord2305


      Oh well, cam't wait to pick apart the details once more come available

    3. Chimp


      Is the server hosted in Uganda?

    4. Ducklingator
  11. As far as I'm aware thanhium doesn't release mana when heated but instead stores it within itself like a tank of gas. Heat it up too much and it'll explode from too much mana. Also the poison effect from thanhium stems from it getting into you and sucking you of heat and mana. But I'm no lore team member so @ArcanicFable should probably confirm.
  12. Huh. Looks like we're back.

  13. I would recommend not storing your books in bookshelves currently. The shelves are more bugged than they were previously and now will eat your book completely on occasion and you won't be able to get it back. If you really need to use bookshelves, make copies before trying to put them in, otherwise just store your books in chests for now.

  14. The forging part of this lore will remain secretive and require extensive research to complete. The forging process itself is by no means easy nor is it cheap. The resources required to even prepare to create one of these items are difficult to aquire at best. As of me writing this there isn't really any risk involved in the making of the metal other than a waste of resources and time. However, I am considering adding in a few caveats to try and limit production of the material further. As it stands right now though, this metal will not be able to be mass produced and the forging process will remain rather quiet among the three of us to prevent it from becoming super widespread. The creation of the metal and the research behind it will remain heavily moderated as well, akin to thanhium. Additionally, although it is not written here, the metal has a number of uses outide of weapons and armour that we at the very least will be attempting to create IRP. The whole "if it breaks it can't be reforged" aspect was added in to also limit the production of the metal as if you break it then you need to create an entirely new one from scratch which, as stated earlier, is difficult to do. Sorry if this is all over the place I am writing this out on my phone, if anything needs clarification just let me know. Edit: We have decided to add in risks to the forging process, increasing the chance of failure and causing varying levels of damage to the surroundings depending on the type of failure.
  15. I understand where you are coming from here and I see your issue with it. The main purpose behind this metal is to provide a unique style of material that isn't super overbearing but still has interesting properties and to add additional flavour and levels to arcane engineering. I'm not sure if the one weapon slays all kind of thing is too much of an issue these days anyways considering how many people carry around both gold and steel weapons to begin with.
  16. To ensure it is RP'd properly as well as to ensure the research and process that the metal will be forged from is correct. Also to make it available to everyone should they attempt research.
  17. Arcanium - Alloys of the Void For quite some time metals infused with mana were but a myth amongst mages who constantly strived to create a metal with properties superior to that of their mundane counterparts. Unbeknownst to many, such a material had been created early on in Vailor by the Elder-Aengul, Gazadriel. Before the Harvesters began reaping souls for Gazadriel, he needed a weapon to bestow upon his servants that allowed them to carry out the tasks given to them. In order to enchant these weapons with the runes of power, granting them the ability to harvest souls that would be subsequently used to fuel the seal, Gazadriel needed a material that was able to hold such a powerful enchantment whilst not sacrificing combat prowess. He searched the common, mundane metals and alloys at the disposal of the descendants but none proved to carry the properties the Elder-Aengul needed for his followers. But he searched to no avail, and so the Elder-Aengul Gazadriel set out to create his own metal, with incredible success. With that, Gazadriel crafted the Harvester sickle, scythe and sword, all from his own creation the descendants at the time gave the name of Brightsteel. Gazadriel kept the secrets to the creation of this metal secret, leaving even their properties a mystery to those who wielded the weapons. Throughout the duration of the harvester conflict, all but the Brightsteel sword was lost to those that opposed Gazadriel. The sickle and the scythe seemingly disappeared from Vailor, finding their way into the possession of the Harbinger Orithur who kept them under lock and key within the vault of the Library of Dragur. Throughout their stay the enchantment upon them faded, Gazadriel seeing no use in continuing to fuel the enchantments of his creations that were taken from his followers. The weapons remained within the vault of the Library until one day when a curious Halfling, having taken them from the vault back on Vailor and transporting them to Axios, decided to experiment on the strange metal. He enlisted the help the two most knowledgeable people he knew, Avenel Synalli and Crumena Izalith. Through their combined efforts and expertise in arcane arts such as transfiguration, voidal feeling and cognatism coupled with the skills in blacksmithing and metallurgy, the three reverse engineered the weapons, dubbing the metal Arcanium, and discovered the secret to their creation. Mana. The Creation and Specifications of Arcanium Arcanium is not an extremely rare metal found deep within the ground or within meteorites like many had thought. Instead, it was merely mundane metals enhanced through voidal corruption. Bombarding the metal with copious amounts of mana throughout the forging process allows the mana to seep within the bonds of the metal, mixing with it and solidifying into a metal with the same basic properties as its mundane counterpart but also with a few boons. Once complete the metal takes on a purple hue and radiates with an ever-present dim glow about itself. The process is by no means efficient, requiring very large amounts of mana to be pooled into the metal over a short period of time in order to entwine enough mana within for the enhanced properties to be exhibited. List of Metals and their enhanced properties: Ferrum, Steel and Bluesteel Retain the properties of the metal prior to the forging. Due to the mana laced within the material the metal acts as gold would when interacting with beings that suffer from a weakness to gold, such as wraiths, archons, homunculi, etc., as well as voidal beings (Ex. Voidal horrors) in the same manner. Acts as Magegold when used for enchantments. Aurum, Magegold Retain the metal’s properties prior to forging including the softness of the metal. Acts as Magegold when used for enchantments. Allow for the more efficient channeling of mana from obelisks or mana gems. Affects Voidal beings (Ex. Voidal Horrors) like gold affects spectral beings. Slayersteel Loses the enhanced durability given to the gold when forging it into an alloy with steel. The effect the gold within the alloy has on beings which normally have a weakness to gold, such as wraiths, archons, homunculi, etc. and voidal beings is enhanced slightly, causing more pain to the beings when struck. Note, the extra pain is not substantial. It is noticeable to a point where the being would say “This is not regular gold” but it is by no means a way to ‘one-shot’ someone. Acts as Magegold when used for enchantments. Carbarum Retains the metal’s properties before forging. The metal acts as gold would when attacking beings that suffer from a weakness to gold, such as wraiths, archons, homunculi, etc. and voidal beings. Acts as regular Carbarum when used for enchantments. Can only be created if the one forging the item has a recipe for the Carbarum item or the one forging the item has received the MC item off someone. Magnetus Keeps the physical properties of the regular Magnetus. The magnetic properties are enhanced due to the increased amount of mana infused within the metal. Additionally, alteration has no effect on Arcanium as the mana is cemented within the metal and not tasked to do anything. However, prolonged exposure to Fi’ magic will remove the enhanced properties of Arcanium and leave the metal in the soft and brittle state, rendering it useless. Forging Arcanium The process of forging Arcanium is rather complex, involving a unique forge and large reserves of mana needed to successfully create the metal. Additionally, the metal can only be worked so many times before the mana overwhelms the metal and renders it extremely soft and brittle, not useable for anything practical. In order to research the forging process or anything involving the metal please contact @ArcanicFable, @Tahmas, or myself. The full process will be submitted to the LT lead and can be given to any LT member upon request. Shattering Arcanium As Arcanium is metal tainted and filled with mana it displays unique properties if shattered or broken into small enough parts. The mana within the metal will seep outwards into the surrounding area, saturating the air around it in mana. This causes any and all magic within the radius ((3 block radius)) to immediately be dispelled and becomes un-castable for a short period of time ((2-3 emotes)) at which point it weakens magic in the area for another short period ((2-3 emotes)) before the mana in the area dilutes enough to no longer have an effect. Credit to Jax for saying the picture looked good.
  18. Today is the last day to get your applications and books in to be considered for Scholar at the Library of Dragur! Apply here: 



  19. The Library of Dragur is still accepting Scholar applications! There are less than 3 days left to apply! Apply here:



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cablam


      The only thing I have to be online for at the same time as you is the interview, everything else can be done at other times.

    3. AlphaMoist


      Do the references need to be present at the time of the interview?

    4. cablam


      No, they can be given at any time and you do not need to be present. 

  20. Obligatory the Library of Dragur is cccepting Scholar applications again! Apply here:


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