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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Ragadorus

  1. I missed the undead in Athera. How were they?

  2. So. The Magic Plugin.

    1. Ragadorus


      Expect the magic plugin by the start of 4.0!!!!!!

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  3. Crabs are just armored spiders, really...

  4. Taking a break

  5. Thinking of starting an orc. The only thing stopping me is blah :(

  6. What is the conversion rate from blocks to meters?

  7. What is the conversion rate from blocks to meters?

  8. How do people having working MPM?

  9. any1 know where epix37 is?

  10. Roll combat is superior.

  11. GG everyone that was alot of fun

  12. Magic roleplay is just about the same as foreplay roleplay. It is sin.

  13. Name me the worst song you've ever heard.

  14. damn lots of br's lately involving pvp...we might have a problem here folks

  15. damn lots of br's lately involving pvp...we might have a problem here folks

    1. Ragadorus


      All of the problems are people breaking the rules we currently have.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  16. That moment when you log out, log back in within 20 minutes and your horse is dead :D

  17. Ave Red Urguania! Death to greedy pigs!

  18. Is MPM still a server thing? If so what version of minecraft and MPM?

  19. i wish everyone knew how to eat with their mouths closed

  20. When do you guys think the next map will come?

  21. Is More Player Models working for anyone?

  22. When do you guys think the next map will come?

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