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Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Mj.

  1. Bronson sends his regards

  2. i come back to find that some joker named lev thinks he's better than me because he has natalie dormer on his profile pic and I don't anymore?? im the OG kid

  3. Dunamis Pride Worldwide.

  4. chance...acid rapper

  5. Why is pizza even a thing? 

  6. there is literally nothing wrong with liking cute anime girls

  7. does any1 want to come to my 17th : )

  8. Faiz i'ma take you down 

  9. Love being useless in PvP

  10. Love being useless in PvP

  11. Haven't been active for a little while, someone list off the RP hotspots that are popular among the cool kids currently. 

  12. Esterlen send me a snap chat i miss u

  13. Over 3,000 Minas of Junk bought so far!

  14. What are some random useless items you have laying around?

  15. any good series/shows to watch atm? already seen GoT, house of cards and daredevil

  16. I've been rused 

  17. I've been rused 

  18. Holden on to what's golden

  19. Anyone know some soundtracks that are kinda like the music that I've been linking lately?

  20. hey can I be a nobel plz??

  21. wave after wave

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