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Status Replies posted by Mj.

  1. Where is all these people at, Salvus?

  2. >mfw my houses' water goes off and refuses to turn back on

  3. Bought Chick-Fila to go and ate it at Wendys... Then asked for a free cup of water.

  4. Why are we still in Athera?

  5. Who wants to lick some toads lads?

  6. cash rules everything around me

  7. I'm beginning to think Salvus is a myth.

  8. I'm beginning to think Salvus is a myth.

  9. This just in: The Republic of Alras and the Kingdom of Skravia have united to form the Empire of Carpathia

  10. want to attempt someones character.... but I'm afriad it'll turn out really bad... so if you are willing to take the risk... O.O.... give me a link to your character... I shall do headshot.. or try... or chicken out...

  11. whats a meme for a meme?

  12. Anybody want a free teamspeak?

  13. Daily Trivia: How many people were estimated to live in the mainland of Kaedrin?

  14. my dog has arthritis

  15. What level breeder is needed to breed horses?

  16. Grr lore grr

  17. rissing, if you play it cool and follow the rules and just get it together so that it makes sense and theres a definitive purpose, im actually alright with a torture guild. just make sure whoever yoire torturing is comfortable with your RP. i would see it as you pay someone to kidnap a target and then you take them back to your guild hall and make them suffer. like a revenge guild. i dont like it, but if youre keen on making one, go ahead. be different.

  18. this og kush, is what im smoking n word

  19. Can't believe the Admins decided to promote a southerner......

  20. Conquest denying is stupid, but I also think people losing perms on a region because an army invaded is stupid also.

  21. Yo, would anyone be interested in a high ranking military position in RP? Need someone with experience!

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