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Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Mj.

  1. Will skin for minas.

  2. whoever is till hungry for some actual pvp I'm gonna get a group going on badlion comment if interested :)

  3. Lol 1 day ban for saying rape between me and a friend only


    honestly just 


    just what even

  4. I hate Nordaboos, almost worse than weeaboos.

  5. 3 months 22 days 10 hours. How long u gonna leave it for?

  6. Ding....Godsent.....@950k til Super...save me plx

  7. To all my peeps.. you are awesome.. sorry for leaving the day before the wedding andddddd yah... sorry for letting you guys down.. anywhoo I'm going to return to poofing.. I'll be back maybe in a year or so.. idk.. as sooon as I move out and get my own computer that is.. XP Don't forget about me! ;P

  8. I can't play a single match of skywars without someone saying "hax reported"...

  9. an absolute slaughter

  10. Can anyone give me some feedback on some lore?

  11. What are we waiting for?

  12. Can one end PVP by getting behind a strong, locked door? Just thinking about an incident where I ran and almost made it to some gates but ran short on food. If I had made it, would I have broken the rules?

  13. I wouldn't be upset if we were forced to join via RP go any nation tbh. I'm very upset however this is all an OOC driven sham to get the halflings to leave, so wha if it's agains policy? Removing a RACE's land because of ooc and "inactivity" is possibly the most retarded thing. So what if we don't meet requirements, we actually never were told about our probationary week no matter what is said, we didn't know about it. It might be different if we were a city st...

  14. Sitting in ts while hoodie sings songs about sex, 10/10

  15. Are you forgetting something?

  16. Open CSGO Case or no?

  17. Open CSGO Case or no?

  18. Open CSGO Case or no?

  19. Got accepted this morning! Can't wait to get on the server and start playing! :D

  20. NewLM Aquired.

  21. Betting any money the de sola get the upper hand in the war then out nowhere B00M THE vladovs win who u think will win and why?

  22. Who is up for some Rust?

  23. why was clan abdul removed??

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