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About Zacho

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  • Birthday October 22

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    Games and stuff yo

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    Jiangu Vincrute | Dael'ran | Solace
  • Character Race
    Albino Dark Elf | Immortal being | Wood elf Seer

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  1. ive just gone through the best rp of my days, walking into dominion for no more than 10 seconds only to get stabbed by three people in one emote and killed

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    2. Algoda


      You're being overly dramatic, there was more than 1 emote then killed. If i recall you asked "do i just die now" and made no effort into rping yourself. I understand it can feel like a smack on the face, but you have to realise that being at war has consequences. Dont want enemy armies roaming around inside your city? Make sure to keep the guard force on edge.
      We couldnt care less about pixels, we came in there with the intent on slaying elves and thats what we did. 

      As to rule-breaking, with todays management anyone can get banned for anything; but we did have a gm trailing the raid from start to finish and oversaw the whole thing.

    3. Zacho



      Never once did i ask 'do i just die now', i just accepted it rply and knew that there was NOTHING i could do. Not only did three people rply try to stab me all at once, but i was trapped in a corner and all i did was the emote *waves. How exactly do you expect i take that? There is no counterplay to it, there is nothing I can do without being called a powergamer.

      Nextly its not MY nation, so i could care less about it. I was just looking about.

      Stop using war as a bullshit excuse for killing random fuckin people, i could genuinely care less about the garbo i had one me, but the point of this is that you are using war as an excuse to kill any person no matter their connections, and for a reason to have poor and shitty villainy.

    4. Algoda


      War is supposed to be gritty and dark. You were simply at the wrong place at the wrong time. As you said before, pixels doesnt matter and obviously you were not PK'ed, so i do not understand what's the issue here?
      This goes on in every war, realistically and in game aswell. It's no bullshit excuse, we came there to cause as much damage to their city as possible as its a WAR RAID. 
      The villainy could definately have been better, and it always comes down to people feeling rushed and wary of meta-rallies. But at the end of the day, war is hell.

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