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Knight of Elken

Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Knight of Elken

  1. well, i only died a total of 9 times last night playing dark souls. this's gonna be a real long game

  2. going through some of my old status' hurts me to look at 

  3. <---- snelf king

    1. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      I don't think that's something to be proud of. We may have to exterminate YOU now.

  4. watching game of thrones for the first time through. renly baratheon is gay.. 

    1. Runabarn


      I am going to take you out of context and make you seem like a homophobe now.

  5. how do I of change my signature? (I realize my earlier mistake!)

    1. mitto


      top left dropdown on your name, account settings. signature tab 

  6. crumena izalith, more like crummy izalith smh smh smh @Tahmas

    1. KeatonUnbeaten


      more like 'tahmas, learning italian' as HIS DATING SITE ACCOUNT SHOWS

  7. Doing some skin requests! 200-400 minas a pop.

    1. Ambduscias


      if you think you are capable of making an unorthodox skin, i could use one for one of the second form azdrazi. will pay more than requested - PM me on the forums or on skype @ zerowulfie for more information.

  8. finals week? more like welcome to the rice fields motherfucker

    1. _pr0fit


      I’ve had 3 hours of sleep in the past 3 days

  9. Just got Mount and Blade. First playthrough. What faction should I join bros?

    1. Juststan147


      Vaegirs, always Vaegirs.

  10. McDonald's is the place to rock
    It is a restaurant where they buy food to eat

    1. puffables


      it is a good place to listen to the music.
      people flock here to get down to the rock music.

  11. i miss having wifi i wanna get back to nerding it up with u bozos ): 

    1. ContestedSnow


      super real knight of elken...

  12. *enters lab X-18 with aviator shades on

    1. SethWolf


      *throws a beachball full of nickels at you

  13. we can all become happier and more fulfilled bugs

    1. SethWolf


      i wanna be a stickbug :3

  14. Super Destroyer in position. 
    Planet ID: Malevelon Creek. 
    Status: Automaton Control. 
    Liberation Operation Status: Green. 
    All Helldivers: Prepare to drop. 

    1. Netphreak


      Prepares to blow everyone up using a 380 stratagem 

  15. ora pro nobis peccatoribus!😨😨

    1. _Jandy_


      uh.... real?

  16. tfw you have to miss your first new map change

  17. reading through whitelist apps always makes me smile

  18. well, i only died a total of 9 times last night playing dark souls

  19. taking a bit of a break from lotc for a while

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