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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Kvasir

  1. kill all special snowflakes, no mercy

  2. kill all special snowflakes, no mercy

  3. kill all special snowflakes, no mercy

  4. I just stabbed Helena, thoughts?

  5. Beast had wanted me to let you all know his computer broke recently and he is not certain when he'll be coming back. If you have questions feel free to message me and I'll pass them along. c:

  6. Anthos for next map

  7. i should apply to be an fm to end tyranny

  8. why do i get attached to such silly things


  9. I miss all you weirdos ^-^

  10. Israeli settlers are 

  11. Today, I have killed off my first character on LoTC, It is a bitter feeling, but must be done to promote RP and to give things weight.



    Thond Doomforged

  12. Thoughts on beardmancy redux?

  13. i find it kinda crazy when you fucks can accept transexual people but not transgender people (look at me using the proper terminology now)

  14. i find it kinda crazy when you fucks can accept transexual people but not transgender people (look at me using the proper terminology now)

  15. i find it kinda crazy when you fucks can accept transexual people but not transgender people (look at me using the proper terminology now)

  16. love your picture

  17. love your picture

  18. love your picture

  19. love your picture

  20. love your picture

  21. i find it pretty hilarious how /r/marchagainsttrump just became the exact same as /r/The_Donald but just incredbly anti-Trump instead of ncredibly for Trump

  22. whats the full picture of your profile picture :thinking:

  23. well my Legion episode won't load guess who's quitting life

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